YoutubeBrainz allow you to find and download Youtube Videos associated to an Album on MusicBrainz.
Project description
YoutubeBrainz allows you to find and download Youtube videos associated to an album on MusicBrainz.
Getting Started
You can install youtube-bz
directly from pip, it should install automatically all the dependencies
$ pip install youtube-bz
How to use
Display help
$ youtube-bz --help
You can search for a release with its MBID on MusicBrainz or with the command search, for instance to search the album 'Hybrid Theory' of 'Linkin Park' you can run:
$ youtube-bz search 'Hybrid Theory' --artist 'Linkin Park'
┃ ID ┃ Title ┃ Artist ┃ Score ┃
│ 2a4174ab-f0b1-430e-b7e2-25c062b45573 │ Hybrid Theory │ Linkin Park │ 100 │
│ cce15358-9fa0-38b5-b143-c51ff7024b24 │ Hybrid Theory │ Linkin Park │ 100 │
And to download it just run:
$ youtube-bz download 2a4174ab-f0b1-430e-b7e2-25c062b45573
- Flowrey - Flowrey
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
- This project's structure has been greatly inspired by pipx