Py-Eddy-Tracker libraries
Project description
Method was described in :
Use case
Method is used in :
How do I get set up?
Short story
pip install pyeddytracker
Long story
To avoid problems with installation, use of the virtualenv Python virtual environment is recommended.
Then use pip to install all dependencies (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, netCDF4, ...), e.g.:
pip install numpy scipy netCDF4 matplotlib opencv-python pyyaml pint polygon3
Clone :
git clone
Then run the following to install the eddy tracker :
python install
Tools gallery
Several examples based on py eddy tracker module are here.
Quick use
EddyId share/ 20190223 adt ugos vgos longitude latitude ./ -v INFO
for identification, followed by:
EddyTracking tracking.yaml
for tracking (Edit the corresponding yaml files and then run the code).