Connect IQ Package Manager
Project description
A github release driven Package Manager for Connect IQ barrels
$ mbget update
Application Repository Configuration
The tool expects to find various files in the repository to determine where to get dependencies from. The only non-standard ConnectIQ project file introduced is a package map file (packages.txt)
Manifest File
No changes are required from the standard barrel dependency declarations that are required for barrels to be included in a project, but they are called out here to provide context for the package map file.
<iq:manifest xmlns:iq="" version="3">
<iq:products />
<iq:permissions />
<iq:languages />
<iq:depends name="LibraryA" version="0.3.0"/>
<iq:depends name="LibraryB" version="1.0.0"/>
Package Map File
The package map file is a text file that is used to map manifest.xml
dependencies onto github repositories that the dependency can be retrieved
Library Repository Requirements
The tool expects that the libraries it downloads will make a new "Release" when a version is available. The library should use semantic versions when tagging releases.
The library must also include the barrel file in the release assets