lovely pickling🥒 for context manager hater👊
Project description
EZPKL: lovely pickling🥒 for context manager hater👊
English | 한국어
I hate
with open(file_path) as file...
and I don't want to google how to save pickle in python
then, i made it.
Use the package manager pip to install ezpkl.
pip install ezpkl
Save Object to pkl
from ezpkl import save_pkl
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# 'a.pkl' will be saved in the current directory.
# 'a_list_temp.pkl' will be saved in the current directory.
save_pkl(var=a, file_name='a_list_temp')
Load Object
from ezpkl import load_pkl
a = load_pkl('a.pkl')
Save Object to txt
from ezpkl import save_txt
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# 'a.txt' will be saved in the current directory.
# 'a_list_temp.txt' will be saved in the current directory.
save_txt(data=a, file_name='a_list_temp')
Load Object
from ezpkl import load_txt
a = load_txt('a.txt')
Save List Object to txt with separator
from ezpkl import save_txt
a = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
# 'a.txt' will be saved in the current directory with newline separator (default).
# a.txt file content:
# apple
# banana
# cherry
# 'a_list_temp.txt' will be saved in the current directory with space separator.
save_txt(data=a, file_name='a_list_temp', separator=' ')
# a_list_temp.txt file content:
# apple banana cherry
# 'a_list_temp.txt' will be saved in the current directory without separator.
save_txt(data=a, file_name='a_list_temp', separator=None)
# a_list_temp.txt file content:
# applebananacherry