A django package for managing subscription states
Project description
A django package for managing the status and terms of a subscription.
- Django: 2.2 (LTS versions only)
- Python: 3.6+
Other Django or Python versions may work, but that is totally cooincidental and no effort is made to maintain compatibility with versions other than those listed above.
$ pip install django-subscriptions
Then add the following packages to INSTALLED_APPS
in your settings:
And of course, you'll need to run the migrations:
$ python manage.py migrate
You'll also need to setup the triggers, which can be scheduled with celery or run from a management task. See the Triggers section below.
Manages subscriptions in a single table. Pushes events (signals) so that consumers can do the actual work required for that subscription, like billing.
Subscriptions are built around a Finite State Machine model, where states and allowed transitions between states are well defined on the Model. To update from one state to another, the user calls methods on the Subscription instance. This way, all side-effects and actions are contained within the state methods.
Subscription State must not be modified directly.
When a state change is triggered, the subscription will publish relevant signals so that interested parties can, themselves, react to the state changes.
There are 3 major API components. State change methods, signals/events, and the triggers used to begin the state changes.
State Methods
Method | Source States | Target State | Signal Emitted |
cancel_autorenew() |
ACTIVE | EXPIRING | autorenew_canceled |
enable_autorenew() |
EXPIRING | ACTIVE | autorenew_enabled |
renew() |
ACTIVE,SUSPENDED | RENEWING | subscription_due |
renewed(new_end, new_ref, description=None) |
ACTIVE,RENEWING,ERROR | ACTIVE | subscription_renewed |
renewal_failed(description=None) |
RENEWING,ERROR | SUSPENDED | renewal_failed |
end_subscription(description=None) |
state_unknown(description=None) |
RENEWING | ERROR | subscription_error |
may only be called if subscription.state
is either ACTIVE
and will cause subscription.state
to move into the RENEWING
The description
argument is a string that can be used to persist the reason for a state
change in the StateLog
table (and admin inlines).
There are a bunch of triggers that are used to update subscriptions as they become
due or expire. Nothing is configured to run these triggers by default. You can
either call them as part of your own process, or use celery beat
to execute
the triggers using the tasks provided in subscriptions.tasks
Create a new subscription:
Subscription.objects.add_subscription(start_date, end_date, reference) -> Subscription
Trigger subscriptions that are due for renewal:
Subscription.objects.trigger_renewals() -> int # number of renewals sent
Trigger subscriptions that are due to expire:
Subscription.objects.trigger_expiring() -> int # number of expirations
Trigger subscriptions that are suspended:
Subscription.objects.trigger_suspended() -> int # number of renewals
Trigger subscriptions that have been suspended for longer than timeout_hours
end (uses subscription.end
date, not subscription.last_updated
Subscription.objects.trigger_suspended_timeout(timeout_hours=48) -> int # number of suspensions
Trigger subscriptions that have been stuck in renewing state for longer than timeout_hours
to be marked as an error (uses subscription.last_updated
to determine the timeout):
Subscription.objects.trigger_stuck(timeout_hours=2) -> int # number of error subscriptions
is True
, then subscriptions are moved back into
state, ready to be retried. This can be useful when you have an offline
process that can resolve stuck subscription issues, and there is no issue retrying the
The following tasks are defined but are not scheduled:
If you'd like to schedule the tasks, do so with a celery beat configuration like this:
# settings.py
"subscriptions_renewals": {
"task": "subscriptions.tasks.trigger_renewals",
"schedule": crontab(hour=0, minute=10),
"subscriptions_expiring": {
"task": "subscriptions.tasks.trigger_expiring",
"schedule": crontab(hour=0, minute=15),
"subscriptions_suspended": {
"task": "subscriptions.tasks.trigger_suspended",
"schedule": crontab(hour="3,6,9", minute=30),
"subscriptions_suspended_timeout": {
"task": "subscriptions.tasks.trigger_suspended_timeout",
"schedule": crontab(hour=0, minute=40),
"kwargs": {"hours": 48},
"subscriptions_stuck": {
"task": "subscriptions.tasks.trigger_stuck",
"schedule": crontab(hour="*/2", minute=50),
"kwargs": {"hours": 2},
We use pre-commit <https://pre-commit.com/>
to enforce our code style rules
locally before you commit them into git. Once you install the pre-commit library
(locally via pip is fine), just install the hooks::
pre-commit install -f --install-hooks
The same checks are executed on the build server, so skipping the local linting
(with git commit --no-verify
) will only result in a failed test build.
Current style checking tools:
- flake8: python linting
- isort: python import sorting
- black: python code formatting
You must have python3.6 available on your path, as it is required for some
of the hooks.
Generating Migrations
After installing all dependencies, you can generate required migration files like so:
$ poetry run ipython migrate.py <nameofmigration>
Publishing a new version
- Bump the version number in pyproject.toml and src/subscriptions/init.py
- Commit and push to master
- From github, create a new release
- Name the release "v<maj.minor.patch>" using the version number from step 1.
- Publish the release
- If the release successfully builds, circleci will publish the new package to pypi