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cleanpy is a CLI tool to remove caches and temporary files that related to Python.

Project description


cleanpy is a CLI tool to remove caches and temporary files related to Python.

PyPI package version CI status of Linux/macOS/Windows CodeQL


Installation: pip

pip install cleanpy

Supported Python implementations Supported Python versions

Installation: snap

sudo snap install cleanpy
snapcraft status


cleanpy DIR_PATH [DIR_PATH ...]

cleanpy will remove cache files and temporary files under the DIR_PATH.

Removing files or directories targets are as follows:

  • Files to be deleted:
    • *.pyc

    • *.pyo

  • Directories to be deleted:
    • __pycache__

    • .cache

    • .mypy_cache

    • .pytest_cache

    • .ruff_cache

You can also remove additional files/directories if the following options are specified:

  • --include-builds:
    • build directory

    • dist directory

    • docs/_build directory: [sphinx]

    • *.manifest files: [pyinstaller]

    • *.spec files: [pyinstaller]

  • --include-envs:
    • .venv directory

    • .nox directory

    • .tox directory

  • --include-metadata:
    • .eggs directory

    • *.egg-info directories

    • .pyre directory

    • .pytype directory

    • pip-wheel-metadata directory

  • --include-testing:
    • .coverage file

    • coverage.xml file

    • nosetests.xml file

All the above options are specified if you use the --all option.

The following directories are always excluded from the remove:

  • .git

  • .hg

  • .svn

  • node_modules

Execution example

Clean the current directory except for virtual environments:

cleanpy --all --exclude-envs .

Command help

usage: cleanpy [-h] [-V] [--list] [--follow-symlinks] [--dry-run] [-a] [--include-builds] [--include-envs] [--include-metadata] [--include-testing] [--exclude PATTERN] [--exclude-envs] [-i | -f] [-v |
               --debug | --quiet]
               DIR_PATH [DIR_PATH ...]

cleanpy will remove cache files and temporary files under the DIR_PATH.

Skip directories from recursive search: .git, .hg, .svn, node_modules

positional arguments:
  DIR_PATH            path to a root directory to search.

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -V, --version       show program's version number and exit
  --list              print target directories/files. this does not actually remove directories/files.
  --follow-symlinks   follow symlinks.
  --dry-run           don't actually do anything.
  -i, --interactive   prompt on each file/directory delete.
  -f, --force         delete file/directory without prompt.
  -v, --verbose       shows the verbose output.
  --debug             for debug print.
  --quiet             suppress execution log messages.

Remove Target:
  -a, --all           remove all of the caches and temporary files.
  --include-builds    remove files/directories that are related to build: build, dist, docs/_build
  --include-envs      remove virtual environment caches.
  --include-metadata  remove metadata.
  --include-testing   remove test results and coverage files.
  --exclude PATTERN   a regular expression for files and directories to be excluded from the removes.
  --exclude-envs      exclude virtual environments from deletion.

Issue tracker:


Python 3.9+

  • no external package dependencies

  • platform independent

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