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script to generate amplicon coverage plot

Project description


DOI Anaconda-Server Badge Build Status codecov PyPI version

The script will generate an interactive barplot given amplicon info in bed6/bedpe format and coverage information in cov/bam file.


Programming/Scripting languages

Python packages

Third party softwares/packages


Install by pip

pip install amplicov

Install by conda

conda install -c bioconda amplicon_coverage_plot 

Install from source

Clone the amplicon_coverage_plot repository.

git clone

Then change directory to amplicon_coverage_plot and install.

cd amplicon_coverage_plot
python install

If the installation was succesful, you should be able to type amplicov -h and get a help message on how to use the tool.

amplicov -h


usage: amplicov [-h] (--bed [FILE] | --bedpe [FILE])
                (--bam [FILE] | --cov [FILE]) [-o [PATH]] [-p [STR]] [--pp]
                [--mincov [INT]] [--version]

Script to parse amplicon region coverage and generate barplot in html

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pp                  process proper paired only reads from bam file
  --count_primer        count overlapped primer region to unqiue coverage
  --mincov [INT]        minimum coverage to count as ambiguous N site
  -r [STR], --refID [STR]
                        reference accession (bed file first field)
  --depth_lines DEPTH_LINES [DEPTH_LINES ...]
                        Add option to display lines at these depths (provide depths as a list of integers) [default:5 10 20 50]
  --gff [FILE]          gff file for data hover info annotation
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Amplicon Input (required, mutually exclusive):
  --bed [FILE]          amplicon bed file (bed6 format)
  --bedpe [FILE]        amplicon bedpe file

Coverage Input (required, mutually exclusive):
  --bam [FILE]          sorted bam file (ex: samtools sort input.bam -o
  --cov [FILE]          coverage file [position coverage]

  -o [PATH], --outdir [PATH]
                        output directory
  -p [STR], --prefix [STR]
                        output prefix


cd tests


-- prefix_amplicon_coverage.txt

ID Whole_Amplicon Unique Whole_Amplicon_Ns(cov<10) Unique_Amplicon_Ns(cov<10)
nCoV-2019_1 217.74 53.00 0.00 0.00
nCoV-2019_2 1552.83 1235.50 0.00 0.00
nCoV-2019_3 3164.22 2831.73 0.00 0.00
nCoV-2019_4 2005.16 1658.00 0.00 0.00

Table Header Definition in the amplicon_coverage.txt

Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 3 29 53 PM
  • Whole_Amplicon_Ns(cov<10): The number of aligned position with coverage < 10 or (--mincov) in the Whole Amplicon region

  • Unique_Amplicon_Ns(cov<10): The number of aligned position with coverage < 10 or (--mincov) in the Unique region

-- prefix_amplicon_coverage.html

color black for < 5x and blue for <20x


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