A python application that provides an easy way to set up, run, and monitor (long) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulations.
Project description
What is WRFpy:
WRFpy is a python application that provides an easy way to set up, run, and monitor (long) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulations. It provides a simple user-editable JSON configuration file and integrates with Cylc to access distributed computing and storage resources as well as monitoring. Optionally, WRFpy allows for data assimilation using WRF data assimilation system (WRFDA) and postprocessing of wrfinput files using the NCEP Unified Post Processing System (UPP).
WRFpy is installable via pip:
pip install wrfpy
WRFpy provides functionality depending on the used command-line switches:
usage: wrfpy [-h] [--init] [--create] [--basedir BASEDIR] suitename WRFpy positional arguments: suitename name of suite optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --init Initialize suite (default: False) --create Create suite config (default: False) --basedir BASEDIR basedir in which suites are installed (default: ${HOME}/cylc-suites)
In order to set up a new cylc suite, we first need to initialize one. This is done using the following command:
wrfpy --init testsuite
This creates a configuration file (config.json) that needs to be filled in by the user before continueing. WRFpy points the user to the location of this file.
After the configuration file has been filled, it is time to create the actual configuration that will be used by the CYLC workflow engine. To create the CYLC suite, use the following command:
wrfpy --create testsuite
The final configuration lives in a file called suite.rc. If you want to make further (specialized) changes to the workflow by adding/tweaking steps, you can directly edit the suite.rc file with your favorite editor.
Now it is time to register the suite with CYLC. CYLC is available at
and has great documentation. From now on you are using CYLC to control your WRF runs. Please consult the CYLC documentation for the relevant commands.