Vulcan Validator, validate HTML form data universally seamlessly

A package to validate maps of data extracted from HTML forms in the client and server sides and a customizable jQuery plugin to validate forms as you type with ease.
Get started | Demos | JS API | SASS Config
Validator package
- Configure validators for simple to complex forms easily.
- Configure and validate by fields, fieldsets or form.
- Use validator.js with well tested string validators.
- Add custom validators.
- Internationalization support.
- Configuration checkers to prevent errors in settings.
jQuery plugin
- Validate as you type.
- Inspect for validity, validate visually and reset by field, fieldset or form.
- Import and customize via SASS or use the pre-compiled files.
- Supports jQuery v1.7+, v2.0+ and v3.0+.
- Add custom fields different from form elements.
- Extract data from forms elements as data maps (possibly nested objects).
- HTML5 integration.