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1.1.5 • Public • Published

Slack Web API Client for TypeScript

npm version deno module JSR

The slack-web-api-client library is a type-safe Slack Web API client that provides several key benefits, including:

  • A fetch-based implementation, which is compatible with most runtimes
  • Strong types for Web API responses and Block Kit, which make coding enjoyable and predictable
  • Zero additional dependencies, allowing developers to integrate this library into their projects without any obstacles

If you're looking for a solution to utilize the full features of the Slack platform, slack-edge is the one for you. The slack-edge library uses this slack-web-api-client internally, making it compatible with most JavaScript/TypeScript runtimes.

Getting Started

Working with the npm package

To install the slack-web-api-client library, simply use the standard npm/yarn command:

npm i slack-web-api-client@latest

Once you have added the slack-web-api-client library to your project's dependencies using the npm/yarn command, you can easily import any functionality you need from "slack-web-api-client" in your TypeScript code:

import { SlackAPIClient } from "slack-web-api-client";

const client = new SlackAPIClient(process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN);
const response = await{
  channel: "#random",
  text: ":wave: what's up?",

The second argument of the constructor allows for optional customizations:

const client = new SlackAPIClient(process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN, {
  logLevel: "DEBUG", // default: "INFO"
  throwSlackAPIError: false,  // default: true

This argument, if provided, allows for further configuration of SlackAPIClient instance to fit your specific needs.

Working with the Deno module

Please refer to README for the Deno module.

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  • seratch