
0.1.8 • Public • Published


A Node.js wrapper around popular graphing tools to generate graphs.

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A wrapper around some popular graph tools to generate diagrams from their text representation.

This package currently supports:

This package is simple in that it passes in the input provided directly over stdin to the appropriate process and returns the generated SVG.



npm install skyrta --save

And then:

const skyrta = require('skyrta');
let svg = skyrta.generate('bob', '----->');

To get the raw string data you can either call toString() on the object or use the value property:

let svg = skyrta.generate('bob', '----->').toString();


let svg = skyrta.generate('bob', '----->').value;

Some diagramming tools like GraphViz outputs full SVG, including DOCTYPE and XML tags. To strip these for embedding purposes in HTML you can use the toEmbed function which will strip out anything outside of the <svg> tag.

let svg = skyrta.generate('bob', '----->').toEmbed();


Skyrta supports plugin specific options. You can pass them directly to the generate function:

let svg = skyrta.generate('bob', '----->', {
    // Your options here

Global options: * variableSize: Boolean - optionally strips width and height attributes from the SVG tag. Default: true.

You can find the specific options for each diagram type below.


SvgBobRus diagrams

This package expects svgbob_cli to available in the system path. Installation:

cargo install svgbob_cli

You can find specific instructions on the repo page.

let svg = skyrta.generate('bob', '*----->').toEmbed();

An input like this

Bob markup

will provide the following (rendered) SVG diagram:

Bob diagram

Option Translates to
fontFamily --font-family
fontSize --font-size
scale --scale
strokeWidth --stroke-width

Please see the official documentation for detailed descriptions on these options. Example:

    fontFamily: "arial"
    fontSize: 14,
    scale: 1,
    strokeWidth: 2


Graphviz can be installed in most cases via your package manager. See the download page for manual downloads and installation instruction instructions.

A simple graph

Graphviz markup

will provide the following (rendered) SVG diagram:

Graphviz output

Option Translates to
graphAttributes: {} -Gname=val
nodeAttributes: {} -Nname=val
edgeAttributes: {} -Ename=val
scale -s[scale]
engine -Kv

Please see the official documentation for possible values of these parameters.

graphAttributes, nodeAttributes, and edgeAttributes are multi-valued options. In other words, for each key a -G, -N, or E option will be passed to the dot executable.

For example, to set the default styles for arrowheads to empty you can provide the following options:

edgeAttributes: {
   'arrowtail': 'empty',
   'arrowhead': 'empty'

A list of possible attributes can be found here.


To render Mermaid graphs you need to install both the mermaid and the cli packages:

npm install mermaid mermaid.cli --save

Note the . in the cli package name - the package with a - that shall not be named here has been deprecated.

A sample flowchart from the main Mermaid repository:

Graphviz markup

will provide the following (rendered) SVG diagram:

Mermaid output

Option Translates to
theme theme
width width
height height
backgroundColor backgroundColor
configFile configFile
cssFile cssFile
puppeteerConfigFile puppeteerConfigFile

It's pretty much a one to one mapping. Please see the cli documentation for possible values of these parameters.


Skyrta is used in the gatsby-remark-draw plugin to convert code blocks in Markdown to inline SVG. You can see some samples in action here.

Version history


Added support for Mermaid graphs.


Added options to pass to the executable rendering the graph.


SVG returned in wrapper class with the toEmbed() function to strip excess XML for HTML embedding purposes.


  • Options support
  • CLI
  • Mermaid support
  • PlantUML support

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  • rhanekom