💡 This module can receive DMX data sent via sACN from professional lighting consoles (e.g. ETC, Onyx).
🎭 It can also send data to DMX fixtures that support sACN, e.g. LED lights, smoke machines, etc.
npm install sacn
🔦 Sending RDM data to fixtures is not implemented yet, see issue #1.
const { Receiver } = require('sacn');
const sACN = new Receiver({
universes: [1, 2],
// see table 1 below for all options
sACN.on('packet', (packet) => {
console.log('got dmx data:', packet.payload);
// see table 2 below for all packet properties
sACN.on('PacketCorruption', (err) => {
// trigged if a corrupted packet is received
sACN.on('PacketOutOfOrder', (err) => {
// trigged if a packet is received out of order
/* advanced usage below */
sACN.on('error', (err) => {
// trigged if there is an internal error (e.g. the supplied `iface` does not exist)
// start listening to a new universe (universe 3 in this example)
// stop listening to a universe 1
// close all connections; terminate the receiver
sACN.universes; // is a list of the universes being listened to
Name | Type | Purpose | Default |
universes |
number[] |
Required. List of universes to listen to. Must be within 1-63999 | [] |
port |
number |
Optional. The multicast port to use. All professional consoles broadcast to the default port. | 5568 |
iface |
string |
Optional. If the computer is connected to multiple networks, specify which network adaptor to use by using this computer's local IP address | null |
reuseAddr |
boolean |
Optional. Allow multiple programs on your computer to listen to the same sACN universe. | false |
"sourceName": "Onyx", // controller that sent the packet
"sourceAddress": "", // ip address of the controller
"universe": 1, // DMX universe
"sequence": 172, // packets are numbered 0-255 to keep them in order
"priority": 100, // 0-200. used if multiple controllers send to the same universe
"payload": { // an object with the percentage values of DMX channels 1-512
1: 100,
2: 50,
3: 0
/* there are more low-level properties which most
users won't need, see the ./src/packet.ts file */
const { Sender } = require('sacn');
const sACNServer = new Sender({
universe: 1,
// see table 3 below for all options
async function main() {
await sACNServer.send({
payload: {
// Required. An object with the percentages (0-100) for each DMX channel.
// You can use 0-255 instead of 0-100 by setting `useRawDmxValues: true`
// per packet, or in the `defaultPacketOptions`.
1: 100,
2: 50,
3: 0,
sourceName: "My NodeJS app", // optional. LED lights will use this as the name of the source lighting console.
priority: 100, // optional. value between 0-200, in case there are other consoles broadcasting to the same universe
sACNServer.close(); // terminate the server when your app is about to exit.
main(); // wrapped in a main() function so that we can `await` the promise
Name | Type | Purpose | Default |
universe |
number |
Required. The universe to send to. Must be within 1-63999 | |
port |
number |
Optional. The multicast port to use. All professional consoles broadcast to the default port. | 5568 |
reuseAddr |
boolean |
Optional. Allow multiple programs on your computer to send to the same sACN universe. | |
defaultPacketOptions |
object |
Optional. You can specify options like sourceName , cid , priority and useRawDmxValues here instead of on every packet |
iface |
string |
Optional. Specifies the IPv4 address of the network interface/card to use. | OS default interface (=active internet connection) |
minRefreshRate |
number |
Optional. How often the data should be re-sent (in Hertz/Hz), even if it hasn't changed. By default data will only be sent once (equivilant of setting refreshRate: 0 ). To re-send data 5 times per second (5Hz ), set refreshRate: 5 . This is equivilant to 200ms . |
0 |
useUnicastDestination |
string |
Optional. Setting this attribute to an IPv4 address will cause data to be sent directly to that device, instead of broadcasting to the whole LAN. |
npm run build # compile typescript
npm test # run tests
- [x] Multicast must be enabled1. sACN uses port
- [x] Network infrastructure that supports at least 100Mbps (100BaseT)
The Architecture for Control Networks (ACN) and derived protocols are created by the Entertainment Services and Technology Association.
- sACN is defined in ANSI E1.31
- RDMNet is defined in ANSI E1.33
1. Unicast is also supported by default, but this is not how sACN normally works. See Table 3 for how to send data directly to a unicast address. ↩