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React bindings for Redux-Saga-Requests, Redux-Saga addon to simplify AJAX requests


To install the package, just run:

$ yarn add redux-saga-requests-react


$ npm install redux-saga-requests-react

or you can just use CDN:

For general usage, see redux-saga-requests docs.


This library is totally optional, but it reduces boilerplate of using react-saga-requests state inside React components. It provides the following hooks and components:


useQuery is a hook which uses useSelector from react-redux together with getQuerySelector from redux-saga-requests. It accepts the same arguments as getQuerySelector. You could easily use useSelector directly, but useQuery is slightly less verbose. So, without useQuery:

import React from 'react';
import { getQuerySelector } from 'redux-saga-requests';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
const Books = () => {
  const books = useSelector(getQuerySelector({ type: 'FETCH_BOOKS' }))
  // ...

and with useQuery:

import React from 'react';
import { useQuery } from 'redux-saga-requests-react';
const Books = () => {
  const books = useQuery({ type: 'FETCH_BOOKS' })
  // ...


Query simplifies rendering queries data, loading spinners and server errors. It automatically connects to Redux store by using useQuery under the hood. It has the following props:

  • type: string: refer to getQuery form the core library
  • selector: if you already have a query selector, pass it here instead of type
  • multiple: refer to getQuery
  • defaultObject: refer to getQuery
  • children - render function receiving query object, called when data is not empty according to isDataEmpty prop
  • component - alternative prop to children, you can pass your custom component here, which will receive query prop, plus any additional props passed to Query
  • isDataEmpty: query => boolean: function which defines when data is empty, by default data as empty array and falsy value like null, undefined is considered as empty
  • showLoaderDuringRefetch: boolean: true by default, change it to false if you don't want to show spinner when data is updated - it will still show during initial fetch, but will not for subsequent requests
  • noDataMessage: string or any React node, like <div>message</div>, which will be rendered when data is empty according to isDataEmpty function, null by default
  • errorComponent: custom React component, which will be rendered on error, receives error prop, null by default
  • errorComponentProps: object of additional props passed to errorComponent
  • loadingComponent custom React component, which will be rendered when request is pending, useful for showing spinners, null by default
  • loadingComponentProps: object of additional props passed to loadingComponent

Minimalistic example:

import { Query } from 'redux-saga-requests-react';
  // or selector={myQuerySelector}
  {({ data }) => (

or with component prop:

import { Query } from 'redux-saga-requests-react';
const DataComponent = ({ query, extraLabelProp }) => (
  // or selector={myQuerySelector}

or with all props:

import { Query } from 'redux-saga-requests-react';
const LoadingComponent = ({ label }) => (
const ErrorComponent = ({ error, label }) => (
    Error with status code {error.status}
  // or selector={myQuerySelector}
  isDataEmpty={query =>
    Array.isArray( ? === 0 : !}
  noDataMessage="There is no data"
  errorComponentProps={{ label: 'Error label' }}
  loadingComponentProps={{ label: 'Loading label' }}
  {({ data }) => (


useMutation is a hook which uses useSelector from react-redux together with getMutationSelector from redux-saga-requests. It accepts the same arguments as getMutation. Like in case of useQuery, you could easily use useSelector directly, but then you would need to remember not to recreate selector during each render.

For example:

import React from 'react';
import { useMutation } from 'redux-saga-requests-react';
const Books = () => {
  const { loading, error } = useMutation({ type: 'DELETE_BOOK' })
  // ...


Mutation Converts useMutation into component with render prop. It has the following props:

  • type: string: refer to useMutation
  • selector: if you already have a mutation selector, pass it here instead of type
  • requestKey: string: refer to useMutation
  • children - render function receiving object with loading flag and error property
  • component - alternative prop to children, you can pass your custom component here, which will receive loading and error props, plus any additional props passed to Mutation

You use it like this:

import { Mutation } from 'redux-saga-requests-react';
  // or selector={myMutationSelector}
  {({ loading, error }) => {
    if (error) {
      return <div>Something went wrong</div>;
    return (
      <button onClick={dispatchSomeMutation} disabled={loading}>
        Send mutation {loading && '...' }



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