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React Theme Provider

What is React Theme Provider?

A generic theme provider and (very) simple CSS styler

now it is under development, see live demo, and this README


Use React Theme Provider in follow cases:

if you don't use Material-UI:

  1. Provide the theme data to your React Components via context. You don't need to have Material-UI in dependencies if you just want to pass your created theme to your non Material-UI components.
  2. Add style to your html elements - it will be based on your theme settings.
  3. Switch your created themes via API.

if you use Material-UI:

  1. Add simple style to you non material html elements. They will have same appearance with the marerial ones if wrapped in this provider.
  2. Override some part of your app with another theme.
  3. Have an API to switch themes on the client side.

What is Theme?

It's just plain javascript object, typically with two levels of nesting.


const greyTheme = {
    themeName: 'Grey Theme',
    themeFile: 'greyTheme.json',
    palette: {
        primary1Color: '#00bcd4',
        alternateTextColor: '#4a4a4a',
        canvasColor: '#616161',
        textColor: '#bdbdbd',
        secondaryTextColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.54)',
        disabledColor: '#757575',
        accent1Color: '#607d8b',

You can develop your own themes with this tool (or see Live Demo)

What is CSSrule?

a string containing CSS rules. Typically it's a template string with passed theme props:

.themed div {
    color: ${palette.textColor};
    background-color: ${palette.canvasColor};

.themed a {
    color: ${palette.primary1Color};


Explore this live demo project:

Live demo


  themes={[greyTheme, altTheme]}
  <ThemedComponent />

themes - array with themes created in storybook-addon-material-ui. not required

themeInd - to set the current theme from themes. not required

override - if you use it inside of MuiThemeProvider (Material-UI) it will override theme. not required

setCSS - your custom CSS style function. You can set your own rules for CSS styling based on the theme setting. not required

if you use it without any props inside the MuiThemeProvider, it will provide CSS style for your html elements based on the current theme

if you use it without any props outside the MuiThemeProvider, it will provide CSS style for your html elements based on the default theme and pass this theme to your components via context same way as MuiThemeProvider.

by default you will have follow CSS settings:

.${className} div {
    color: ${palette.textColor};
    background-color: ${palette.canvasColor};
    border-width: 1px;
    border-color: ${palette.borderColor};
.${className} a {
    color: ${palette.primary1Color};
.${className} span {
    color: ${palette.accent1Color};
.${className} ::selection {
    background: ${palette.primary2Color};


  • install
npm i react-theme-provider --save
  • import
import ThemeProvider from 'react-theme-provider';
  • wrap
  <YourThemedComponentOrPlainHTML />

more examples see in Live demo

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