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react-proptypes-generate npm version

This is the VS Code's extension that automatically generates PropTypes code for React components, like ReactPropTypes in the Jetbrains's Platform. Also a command line tool, you don’t have to be limited to use in vscode. If you want fully automatic PropTypes generation, You can also use with lint-staged in your project.


VS Code

Search react-proptypes-generate in Marketplace and install it.

Command Line

If you want to use it directly on the command line, you can install cli by npm install.

npm install react-proptypes-generate -g

Project with lint-staged

    npm install --save-dev react-proptypes-generate lint-staged husky
    yarn add react-proptypes-generate lint-staged husky -D


VS Code

  1. Select your Component's name
  2. Press command + . (Windows is Ctrl + .) show Code Actions and select PropTypesGenerate, or press shift + command + alt + P (Windows is shift + ctrl + alt + P) in the macOS
  3. Input propType to replace default type


Command Line

  1. rpg-cli -h show Help
  2. rpg-cli <JsFilePath> <ComponentName> to generate PropTypes
  3. rpg-cli config <JsonFilePath> to config generated Settings
  4. rpg-cli project <DirPath> to batch generated PropTypes for Project
  5. rpg-cli fix <files...> to batch generated PropTypes for many files

If you want ian to always use the latest version, you can use npx to instead of rpg-cli, like:

npx react-proptypes-generate -h
npx react-proptypes-generate ./examples/index.jsx Test
npx react-proptypes-generate setting.json
npx react-proptypes-generate project ./examples/
npx react-proptypes-generate fix index.jsx index2.jsx src/index3.js

If you want to every project have different config, you can create a json file named rpg.config.json and put it in root folder. rpg.config.json examples:

  "autoImport": "ES6",
  "codeStyle": "default",
  "noMergeOld": false,
  "mergeOldIfExist": true,
  "noShape": false,
  "tabWidth": 2,
  "quote": "double",
  "trailingComma": false,
  "semicolon": true,
  "arrayLike": true,
  "isRequired": false,
  "include": [
    "src/**/*"  // support glob
  "exclude": [

Project with lint-staged

edit package.json file

Config Git precommit hooks

  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "npm run lint-staged"

Config lint-staged, like:

    "lint-staged": {
        "**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": [
          "rpg-cli fix"

TypeScript Need to Know

Because of the ast parser is flow-parser, so TypeScript sometimes generates strange types.

Already known Case

  • use as in the props's ES6 destruct, will generate redundant error types, like:
  let { age = 0 as number, students = [] } = props;
  // will generated
  Test.propTypes = {
     number: PropTypes.any,
     age: PropTypes.number,
     students: PropTypes.array
  • Not Support convert Typescript’s type to PropType, like:
    let age:number = props.age
    // will generated
    Test.propTypes = {
       age: PropTypes.any,

Examples case

import React from 'react'
function Test(props) {
  let { school: schoolAlias = "schoolName", info = { name: 2 }, year = 33 , onClick } = props;
  return <div onClick={() => onClick()} />
//will generate 
Test.propTypes = {
  info: PropTypes.shape({
    name: PropTypes.number
  onClick: PropTypes.func,
  school: PropTypes.string,
  year: PropTypes.number

Special case

To prevent the array type may be prejudged to shape type, you should set a default value.

import React from 'react'
function Test(props) {
  let { students = [] } = props;
  let length = students.length;
  return <div/>
//will generate 
Test.propTypes = {
  students: PropTypes.array

Keep PropTypes's Comments

If you want to keep PropTypes's comments, you must put the comments in the every PropTypes's end, like:

Test.propTypes = {
  students: PropTypes.array, // students
  teacher: PropTypes.shape({
     name: PropTypes.string, // teacher 's name
  }) // teacher

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • propTypes.autoImport: Auto import or require PropTypes module(disabled|commonJS|ES6)
  • propTypes.codeStyle: PropTypes Generate Style(default|class)
  • propTypes.tabWidth: Number of spaces the pretty-printer should use per tab for indentation (number)
  • propTypes.quote: Override the quotes used in string literals(single|double|auto|null)
  • propTypes.trailingComma: Controls the printing of trailing commas in object literals, array expressions and function parameters(boolean)
  • propTypes.semicolon: If true, there will be a semicolon after PropType statement
  • propTypes.afterFormat: If true, after generate propTypes, trigger vscode's formatting for PropTypes(boolean)
  • propTypes.noMergeOld: Defaults is merge old PropTypes, if true, will generate new PropTypes(boolean)
  • propTypes.mergeOldIfExist: If true, old PropTypes different with new PropTypes will be deleted, only used when noMergeOld is false(boolean)
  • propTypes.noShape: Defaults is generate shape type, if true, will generate object type(boolean)
  • propTypes.arrayLike: If true, some shape type which is similar to Array will be set array type instead(boolean)
  • isRequired: If true, all PropTypes is will be set to isRequired(boolean)

Command Line Settings

Command Line can config the following settings:

  • autoImport: Auto import or require PropTypes module(disabled|commonJS|ES6)
  • codeStyle: PropTypes Generate Style(default|class)
  • tabWidth: Number of spaces the pretty-printer should use per tab for indentation (number)
  • quote: Override the quotes used in string literals(single|double|auto|null)
  • trailingComma: Controls the printing of trailing commas in object literals, array expressions and function parameters(boolean)
  • semicolon: If true, there will be a semicolon after PropType statement
  • noMergeOld: Defaults is merge old PropTypes, if true, will generate new PropTypes(boolean)
  • mergeOldIfExist: If true, old PropTypes different with new PropTypes will be deleted, only used when noMergeOld is false(boolean)
  • noShape: Defaults is generate shape type, if true, will generate object type(boolean)
  • arrayLike: If true, some shape type which is similar to Array will be set array type instead(boolean)
  • isRequired: If true, all PropTypes is will be set to isRequired(boolean)
  • include: Match need generated files, only used in fix and project(array)
  • exclude: Match node need generated files, only used in fix and project(array)


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  • dpzxsm