React Native Image Cache and Progressive Loading
React Native image cache and progressive loading for iOS and Android. Based on Expo Kit.
This is a component used in the React Native Elements and the React Native Fiber starter kits.

Checkout this medium story about react-native-expo-image-cache.
This package has a peer dependency with React, React Native, and Expo.
yarn add react-native-expo-image-cache
Props | Default | Options |
tint | dark | light, dark, default |
transitionDuration | 300 | custom in ms |
; // preview can be a local image or a data uriconst preview = uri: "" ;const uri = "";<Image style= height: 100 width: 100 ...preview uri />
Get the local image from a remote URI
; const uri = thisprops;const path = await CacheManager;// if path is undefined, the image download has failed
You can also clear the local cache:
; await CacheManager;