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2.0.2 • Public • Published


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Enhances a React component and allows callbacks to be dispatched


npm i react-dispatchable -D


Consider this PizzaBuilder:

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import Dropdown from "…";

const PizzaBuilder = props => {
  const [status, setStatus] = useState('Hungry');
  const setCrustType = crust => setStatus(`Selected 🍕 crust: ${crust}`);

  return <>

To test that the correct crust is shown after an item from Dropdown has been selected, you might be tempted to mock away Dropdown, or use some selectors to drill down the DOM tree, find the dropdown, simulate a click event, find the row with the target crust, simulate a click event, etc. 😨 It may look something like this:

import {render} from 'react-testing-library';
import {Simulate} from 'react-dom/test-utils';

describe('SearchBar', () => {
  it('updates text on Dropdown item selected', () => {
    const {queryByText, container} = render(<PizzaBuilder/>);
    const dropdown = container.querySelector('[aria-label="Crust picker"]');
    // You probably have something more complicated than :first-of-type
    const thinCrustItem = dropdown.querySelector('li:first-of-type');

    expect(queryByText('Selected 🍕 crust: thin')).toBeTruthy();

The noise-to-signal ratio is too damn high. All you want is to assert Selected 🍕 crust: thin exists. But you have to spend 80% of your test doing irrelevant gymnastics to trigger your item-selected handler.
If you decided to swap out Dropdown with RadioGroup, your tests will break immediately.

If you find a component hard to unit test, it’s a strong sign that it’s too tightly-coupled.

A well-composed component should be loosely-coupled, without the need to mock or drill down its children. Let's make PizzaBuilder take CrustSelector as a prop:

import Dropdown from "…";

const PizzaBuilder = ({CrustSelector = Dropdown}) => {
  return <>

It works exactly the same as before, except we now allow CrustSelector to be optionally passed in, while maintaining the simple syntax <PizzaBuilder/> with Dropdown as default.

If you decided to swap out Dropdown with RadioGroup, you can do that easily. Anyone could be a CrustSelector if you believe in yourself, it just needs to implement onItemSelected.

The only link between PizzaBuilder and CrustSelector is onItemSelected.

Loosely-coupled components have minimal knowledge and dependencies on each other.

With react-dispatchable, we can now pass in a special CrustSelector that lets us trigger onItemSelected in our tests:

import makeDispatchable from 'react-dispatchable';
import {render} from 'react-testing-library';
import {act} from 'react-dom/test-utils';

describe('SearchBar', () => {
  it('updates text on CrustSelector item selected', () => {
    const [dispatch, TestDropdown] = makeDispatchable();  // or pass an actual Dropdown: makeDispatchable(Dropdown)
    const {queryByText} = render(<PizzaBuilder CrustSelector={TestDropdown}/>);

    act(() => dispatch.onItemSelected('thin'));
    expect(queryByText('Selected 🍕 crust: thin')).toBeTruthy();

No drilling down 50 levels deep to find the dropdown row or simulating any click events.
Just call onItemSelected. That’s the beauty of loosely-coupled components.
Simple. 🍻


makeDispatchable(InputComponent) => [dispatch, EnhancedComponent]
Takes an optional input component, returns a dispatch object and an enhanced component.

  • The dispatch object will be filled with all functions passed as props after rendering, i.e.
    dispatch.onItemSelected(1, '2', {three: 4}) is equivalent to calling
    prop.onItemSelected(1, '2', {three: 4}) from inside the input component.
  • The enhanced component should not be rendered more than once. The dispatch function only sends events to the last rendered enhanced component. See spec


npm run build

Runs babel and copies TypeScript definitions to /lib.

npm test

Runs relevant unit tests.

npm run test:ci

Runs all unit tests and saves the result in JUnit format.

Continuous Integration (CI)

All commits are tested ✅
TODO: automatically npm publish if all tests pass.
View the Azure Pipeline project:


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  • edmondchuihw