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Pixie Highcharts

pixie-highcharts is a wrapper of the highcharts and apply two-way data-binding of the option like series, tooltip, color, xAxis, yAxis, navigator, range selector, and etc. pixie-highcharts is breaking down the option into data, type, xAxis, colors, navigator, tooltips as Input and events as EventEmitter. Its use to avoid any additional logic and make your life easy just input and visualize. pixie-highcharts support for dynamic manipulations, event action and provides developer access to the original chart object.

Table of Contents


pixie-highcharts Angular
latest 8.x / 7.x / 6.x
1.2.1 5.x



npm install pixie-highcharts highcharts --save


yarn add pixie-highcharts highcharts


Minimum Software Version Requirement for Angular 5

  • node v6.16.0+
  • npm 4.6.1+
  • @angular/cli 1.7.6+

Getting started

Setup App @NgModule

Import PixieHighchartsModule & HighchartsStatic into your @NgModule in app.module.ts

// File: app.module.ts
import { PixieHighchartsModule, HighchartsStatic } from 'pixie-highcharts';

export function highchartsFactory() {
  const hc = require('highcharts');
  const hs = require('highcharts/modules/stock'); // for highstock
  const exp = require('highcharts/modules/exporting'); // for export as image & pdf
  const expd = require('highcharts/modules/export-data'); // for export data like csv


  return hc;

  imports: [PixieHighchartsModule],
  providers: [
      provide: HighchartsStatic,
      useFactory: highchartsFactory

Let Start With Basis Hello World's Highcharts Visualization

📈 Hello World Demo




export class AppComponent {
  type = 'bar';
  zoomType = 'x';
  data = [
      name: 'OMAK-C',
      data: [
        { x: 1512691300000, y: 2.787037037037037, equipmentName: 'OMAK-C' },
        { x: 1512691400000, y: 61.638888888888886, equipmentName: 'OMAK-C' },
        { x: 1512691500000, y: 56.97222222222222, equipmentName: 'OMAK-C' },
        { x: 1512692200000, y: 67.7962962962963, equipmentName: 'OMAK-C' },
        { x: 1512693200000, y: 58.2037037037037, equipmentName: 'OMAK-C' }
  xAxis = { title: { text: 'Sample X-Axis' }, type: 'category' };
  yAxis = { title: { text: 'Sample Y-Axis' } };
  footer = 'Sample Footer';
  color = ['rgb(0, 255, 255)', 'rgb(246, 107, 0)', 'rgb(115, 211, 44)', 'rgb(227, 2, 42)', 'rgb(23,119,25)'];
  tooltip = {
    headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table style="margin-bottom:unset">',
      '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{series.name}</td>' +
      '<td style="padding:0"> : </td>' +
      '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y}</b></td></tr>',
    footerFormat: '</table>',
    xDateFormat: '%A, %b %d, %Y',
    shared: true,
    useHTML: true
  exporting = { title: 'Volume', filename: 'Volume', scale: 3 };
  config = { legend: { borderWidth: 0, borderRadius: 0, itemMarginTop: 0, padding: 0 } };

📊 Live Demo


Input Class Default Value Reference
id String 5 Digit of ID will generated if no Input
type String chart.type
zoomType String chart.zoomType
title Object
xAxis Object xAxis
yAxis Object yAxis
zAxis Object zAxis
tooltip Object tooltip
export Export
colors Array<String>
colorAxis Object colorAxis
footer String
data Array<any> series
config Object Additional Highcharts Option/Object not exist in Pixie Highcharts
isLegend Boolean True T-Enable Legend, F-Disable Legend
isUTC Boolean False T-UTC+[Based on Browser UTC], F-UTC+0
isPolar Boolean False T-Polar Shape like Radar
isBoost Boolean False T-Boost the Chart
isBoostDebug Boolean False T-Debug of the boost mode boost.debug
isTooltipMoved Boolean True T-Tooltip Will Move Based on the Cursor
isAnimation Boolean True T-Animation will Animate (Load & Update)
isInactive Boolean True T-Disable Inactive State (When Hover on Series Point, Its Won't Disable The Point)
isGap Boolean True T-Gap Size Between Each Point : Display a Gap in the Graph
gapSize Number 86400000 @ 1 Day Day-To-Day Disconnected
gapUnit String value
isPointRange Boolean False T-Each Point Wont Have the Hours Based on pointRange Set
pointRange Number 86400000 @ 1 Day Day-To-Day Connected
isAxisPrefix Boolean False T-Active Conversation Metric Prefix Table
axisPrefixFloat Number 2
isStock Boolean False T-Enable Stock Chart Highstock is required
isMap Boolean False T-Enable Map Chart Highmaps or map module is required
isStacked Boolean False T-Enable Stack Chart for Bar, Column, Line, etc
isGroup Boolean False T-Enable Group Chart for Bar, Column, Line, etc
rangeSelector Object rangeSelector
isRangeSelector Boolean True T-Enable Range Selector, F-Disable Range Selector
isRangeInput Boolean False T-Enable Range Input, F-Disable Range Input
navigator Object navigator
navigatorData Object navigator.series
isXScrollbar Boolean False T-Enable xAxis Scrollbar, F-Disable xAxis Scrollbar
isYScrollbar Boolean False T-Enable yAxis Scrollbar, F-Disable yAxis Scrollbar
referenceUpdate Boolean False T-Enable Options Update, F-New Options Object Created when Update


Highcharts provides bunch of events, and you can use option method to handle those events, but it is not common angular way to handle events. So that pixie-highcharts provides EventEmitter<ChartEvent> wrappers for highcharts events. ChartEvent is an class which simply wraps original Highcharts events (chartEvent.originalEvent) and adds event handler context (chartEvent.context) since it differs depending on events. Concept of Handling events is learning from angular2-highcharts and enhancement made in pixie-highcharts. Thanks for angular2-highcharts founder.

Chart Events

All the events from the chart.events are available as output properties of the chart component.

<pixie-highcharts (selection)="onChartSelection($event)"></pixie-highcharts>

<p>Selection area from <b>{{from}}</b> to <b>{{to}}</b></p>
onChartSelection (e) {
  this.from = e.originalEvent.xAxis[0].min.toFixed(2);
  this.to = e.originalEvent.xAxis[0].max.toFixed(2);

📊 Live Demo

Series Events

To use series events the same way you need to add the series component as a child of your pixie-highcharts. The only purpose of this auxiliary component is to provide access to plotOptions.series.events API

  <series (legendItemClick)="onLegendClick($event)"></series>
<p><b>{{serieName}}</b> is clicked</p>
onLegendClick (e) {
  this.serieName = e.context.name;

📊 Live Demo

Point Events

Similary you can use the point to access to plotOptions.series.point.events API.

    <point (click)="onPointClick($event)"></point>
<p><b>{{point}}</b> is clicked</p>

📊 Live Demo

Axis Events

Similary you can use the xAxis or yAxis or zAxis to access to xAxis.events or yAxis.events or zAxis.events API.

  <xAxis (afterSetExtremes)="onAfterSetExtremesX($event)"></xAxis>
  <yAxis (afterSetExtremes)="onAfterSetExtremesY($event)"></yAxis>
  <zAxis (afterSetExtremes)="onAfterSetExtremesZ($event)"></zAxis>
<p>ExtremesX: <b>{{minX}}</b> - <b>{{maxX}}</b></p>
<p>ExtremesY: <b>{{minY}}</b> - <b>{{maxY}}</b></p>
<p>ExtremesZ: <b>{{minZ}}</b> - <b>{{maxZ}}</b></p>
onAfterSetExtremesX (e) {
  this.minX = e.context.min;
  this.maxX = e.context.max;

onAfterSetExtremesY (e) {
  this.minY = e.context.min;
  this.maxY = e.context.max;

onAfterSetExtremesZ (e) {
  this.minZ = e.context.min;
  this.maxZ = e.context.max;

📊 Live Demo

ColorAxis Events

Similary you can use the colorAxis to access to colorAxis.events API.

  <colorAxis (legendItemClick)="onLegendClick($event)"></colorAxis>
<p><b>{{colorLegend}}</b> is clicked</p>

📊 Live Demo

Navigation Events

Similary you can use the navigation to access to navigation.events API.


Chart instance. You can call load methods to get the instance. Highcharts.Chart

<pixie-highcharts (load)="onLoad($event)"> </pixie-highcharts>
onLoad (e) {
  this.chartInstance = e;

📊 Live Demo


Currently, highcharts doesn't provide localization for the language you wish to display. Right now, pixie-highcharts supporting localization.

import { LocaleService } from 'pixie-highcharts';

export class Component implements OnInit {
  constructor(private localeService: LocaleService) {

Current word support for localization is resetZoom, noDataAvailable, months[], shortMonths[], weekdays[] in Localization File

Global Variable and Class for Pixie Highcharts

For normal way to generate highcharts visualization, you required to declare style, tooltips, exporting, datetime format, and url again and again for the options. For pixie-highcharts you no need to declare repeatedly.

import * as hc from 'highcharts';
// OR
const hc = require('highcharts');
const globalPXH: GlobalPXH = {};
const exportPXH: Export = {};

// Declare Global Variable for Each COnfig
exportPXH.theme = {
  chart: {
    backgroundColor: '#23232A',
    spacingTop: 10,
    style: { fontFamily: 'Arial', color: '##FFF' }
exportPXH.filename = 'Pixie Highcharts';
globalPXH.export = exportPXH;

globalPXH.url = 'https://github.com/briankpw/pixie-highcharts';
globalPXH.debug = true;

// Assign globalPXH to Highcharts
hc.globalPXH = globalPXH;


Input Class Default Value Reference
standardTooltipDesign Object Below defaultTooltip
dateTimeLabelFormats Object Below defaultDateTime xAxis.dateTimeLabelFormats
sameLegendSymbol Boolean False T-All legend will fixed column legend symbol
legendPosition String top legend.verticalAlign
url String Footer URL
export Export Export
debug Boolean False T-Turn on Debug (View compile options, error, and etc)
debugStringify Boolean False T-Turn on Debug with stringify output
const defaultTooltip = {
  headerFormat: '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><table style="margin-bottom:unset">',
    '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{series.name}</td>' +
    '<td style="padding:0"> : </td>' +
    '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y}</b></td></tr>',
  footerFormat: '</table>',
  useHTML: true

const defaultDateTime = {
  millisecond: '%H:%M:%S.%L',
  second: '%H:%M:%S',
  minute: '%H:%M',
  hour: '%H:%M',
  day: '%b %e',
  week: '%b %e',
  month: '%b, %y',
  year: '%y'


Input Class Default Value Reference
title String Export title if null, default chart title will be consider
subtitle String Export subtitle if null, default chart title will be consider
filename String
width Number 600 exporting.sourceWidth
height Number 800 exporting.sourceHeight
scale Number Automated adjust export resolution for image and pdf
url String exporting.url
theme Object exporting.chartOptions
enabled Boolean True T-Turn on exporting button
fallbackToExportServer Boolean True T-Fallback to export server if offline exporting failure
customExport Boolean False Flag for custom Highcharts event, function, any (Custom Script)
clearDefaultField Boolean False Flag for clear default series rows/columns data (Custom Script)
args Any Any value for custom exporting


Input Class
title String
subtitle String


<pixie-highcharts [isStock]="true"></pixie-highcharts>

Don't forget, You need to include Highstock at @NgModule in app.module.ts

📊 Live Demo


<pixie-highcharts [isMap]="true"></pixie-highcharts>

Don't forget, You need to include Highmaps at @NgModule in app.module.ts


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


MIT @ Brian Koh Ping Weng

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Last publish


  • briankpw