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1.1.1 • Public • Published

Welcome to pipe-transaction 👋

Version License: MIT Stars npm version

pipe-transaction is the official library for managing multi-stage operations.

pipe-transaction designed to easily deal with common situations that you are want to perform several related actions. This process will be considered a success only if all the actions are performed.

In another hand, if any process fails along the way - the situation became complicated. In this case, you want to be able to return to the initial state as much as another state as a result of the failure. For this purpose exactly, pipe-transaction developed.

For example, if you want to update the database through CRUD API, after executing action (such as saving a file), pipe-transaction helps you to return to the initial state (delete the file) if the database update failed.

The library is very easy to use and allows a wide range of different options. pipe-transaction support async & sync actions at once.

The official library for managing multi-stage operations.


$ npm install pipe-transaction


// Using Node.js `require()`
const { Transaction } = require('pipe-transaction');

// Using ES6 imports
import { Transaction } from 'pipe-transaction';


new Transaction([options], [actions])

Create a new Transaction instance. options(optional) - an object that includes the setting of the Transaction instance.

  • showLogs: Boolean. Allow the library to write errors & information messages to the console. Default is true.
  • autoIdGenerate: Boolean. Allow the library to generate an automatic number id for the actions, start from 0. Default is false.
  • continueOnUndoError: Boolean. When an action failed, Allow the library to continue to execute all relevant undo functions, even if an undo function failed. Default true.
  • retryOptions: An object which maps to the retry module options:
    • retries: Number. The maximum amount of times to retry the operation. Default is 3.
    • factor: Number. The exponential factor to use. Default is 2.
    • minTimeout: Number. The number of milliseconds before starting the first retry. Default is 1000.
    • maxTimeout: Number. The maximum number of milliseconds between two retries. Default is Infinity.
    • randomize: Boolean. Randomizes the timeouts by multiplying with a factor between 1 to 2. Default is false.
    • errorRetryHandler: Function. Custom callback function that should be called if retry of action is failed. The errorRetryHandler function received two arguments: First retyNumber - The number of failed retries, starts from 0. Second transactionsInfo - Object that describe the transactions statues (see below for transactionsInfo structure).

actions(optional) - Array of actions description (see below for action structure).


Execute the actions pipeline. Return result object (see below for result structure) if all the actions succeed, or if an action failed but all the relevant undo actions succeed. Throw result object if an action failed and at least a relevant unto action failed.


action = {
    action: ( transactionsInfo: transactionsInfo, actionArgs?: object) => any
    actionArgs: {} // Any (optional)
    undoArgs: {} // Any (optional)
    undo?: (error: any, transactionsInfo: transactionsInfo, undoArgs?: object) => any

transactionsInfo = {
    transactions: action[],
    currentTransaction: action,
    previousResponses: { [id]: value },
    previousUndoResponses?: { [id]: value }

 result = {
    isSuccess: Boolean, // If an action failed - return false  
    actionsInfo: {
        responses: {
            [id]: value
        errorInfo?: { // If an action failed
            index: number,
            id: string | number,
            error: Error
    undoInfo?: { // if isSuccess === false
        responses: {
            [id]: value
        errorInfo?: [ // / If an undo action failed
                index: number,
                id: string | number,
                error: Error


  • clear() - Clear the transaction instance from actions.
  • isValidAction(action) - Check if an action is valid. Return array of erros messages.
  • append(action) - Append an action to the actions list.
  • appendArray(action[]) - Append actions to the actions list.
  • remove(id) - Remove an action from the actions list.
  • getTransactions() - Get all the actions.


const Transaction = require('pipe-transaction');

// Simple example
const transaction = new Transaction({
    showLogs: true,
    continueOnUndoError: true
}, [
        id: "start",
        action: () => console.log('Start') // Just a sync function
        id: "notifyInProgress"
        actionArgs: {id: "1"},
        undoArgs: {id: "1"},
        // Just an async function, using actionArgs
        action: (transactionsInfo, actionArgs) =>
        // Just an async function, using undoArgs
        undo: (error, transactionsInfo, undoArgs) => notifyFailed(undoArgs.id) 
        id: "saveInDb"
        // Just an async function, using previousResponses
        action: (transactionsInfo) => saveInDb(
        // Just an async function, using previousResponses
        undo: (error, transactionsInfo) => deleteInDb(
        id: "notifyEnd"
        actionArgs: {id: "1"},
        undoArgs: {id: "1"},
        // Just an async function, using actionArgs
        action: (transactionsInfo, actionArgs) => 

    .then(result => {
            console.log("The transaction success, all actions done");
            console.log("The transaction failed, not all actions done. 
                All relevant undo actions executed");
        // result = {
        //     isSuccess: false,
        //     actionsInfo: {
        //          responses: {
        //              start: undefined,
        //              notifyInProgress: {
        //                  id: 1,
        //                  starus: "InProgress"
        //              },
        //              saveInDb: "1234",
        //          },
        //          errorInfo: {
        //              index: 3,
        //              id: "notifyEnd",
        //              error: Error
        //          }
        //     },
        //     undoInfo: {
        //         responses: {
        //              start: undefined,
        //              notifyInProgress: "Successfuly notify failed message",
        //              saveInDb: undefined,
        //          }   
        //     }
        // }
    }).catch(result => {
        console.log("The transaction failed, not all actions done. Undo 
          actions pipeline executed and at least one undo action failed");
        // result = {
        //     isSuccess: false,
        //     actionsInfo: {
        //          responses: {
        //              start: undefined,
        //              notifyInProgress: {
        //                  id: 1,
        //                  starus: "InProgress"
        //              },
        //              saveInDb: "1234",
        //          },
        //          errorInfo: {
        //              index: 3,
        //              id: "notifyEnd",
        //              error: Error
        //          }
        //     },
        //     undoInfo: {
        //         responses: {
        //              start: undefined,
        //              saveInDb: undefined,
        //          },
        //          errorInfo" [
        //              {
        //                   index: 1,
        //                   id: "notifyInProgress",
        //                   error: Error
        //              }
        //          ]
        //     }
        // }
transaction .clear();

// Other way
const transaction = new Transaction({
    showLogs: true,
    continueOnUndoError: true

        id: "start",
        action: () => console.log('Start') // Just a sync function
        id: "notifyInProgress"
        actionArgs: {id: "1"},
        undoArgs: {id: "1"},
        // Just an async function, using actionArgs
        action: (transactionsInfo, actionArgs) =>
        // Just an async function, using undoArgs
        undo: (error, transactionsInfo, undoArgs) => notifyFailed(undoArgs.id) 
        id: "saveInDb"
        // Just an async function, using previousResponses
        action: (transactionsInfo) => saveInDb(
        // Just an async function, using previousResponses
        undo: (error, transactionsInfo) => deleteInDb(
    id: "notifyEnd"
    actionArgs: {id: "1"},
    undoArgs: {id: "1"},
    // Just an async function, using actionArgs
    action: (transactionsInfo, actionArgs) => 

    .then(result => {
            console.log("The transaction success, all actions done");
            console.log("The transaction failed, not all actions done. 
                All relevant undo actions executed");
        // result = {
        //     isSuccess: true,
        //     actionsInfo: {
        //          responses: {
        //              start: undefined,
        //              notifyInProgress: {
        //                  id: 1,
        //                  starus: "InProgress"
        //              },
        //              saveInDb: "1234",
        //          }
        //     },
        // }
    }).catch(result => {
        console.log("The transaction failed, not all actions done. Undo 
          actions pipeline executed and at least one undo action failed");
        // result = {
        //     isSuccess: false,
        //     actionsInfo: {
        //          responses: {
        //              start: undefined,
        //              notifyInProgress: {
        //                  id: 1,
        //                  starus: "InProgress"
        //              },
        //              saveInDb: "1234",
        //          },
        //          errorInfo: {
        //              index: 3,
        //              id: "notifyEnd",
        //              error: Error
        //          }
        //     },
        //     undoInfo: {
        //         responses: {
        //              start: undefined,
        //              saveInDb: undefined,
        //          },
        //          errorInfo" [
        //              {
        //                   index: 1,
        //                   id: "notifyInProgress",
        //                   error: Error
        //              }
        //          ]
        //     }
        // }

transaction .clear();

TypeScript support

pipe-transaction is written in Typescript and supports it perfectly!

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👤 Ariel Dayan

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Released under the MIT License.

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  • ariel_dayan