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Pathchain is a tool to build path-shaped data structures that are chained one to another from the very moment the tool is initialized. The data behaves like a data tree where you can track the very origin of anything by tracking the origin file hashnames that created any hashname of any file in the chain. Pathchain uses Google's Protocol Buffers to encode and decode the data structures optimally and SHA-256 to build the hashname chain.

Pathchain documentation


Maker functions recieve new data to encode into the chain.

Function Parameters
makeMoment() datetime, lat, lon, x, y, z, format
makePioneer() format
makeSecret() author, format
makeEntity() xsecret, format
makeNode() text, xauthor, format
makeNodelink() first, second, author, ancestor, format
makePath() xauthor, text, head, ancestor, format
makePathlink() first, second, author, ancestor, format
makeTree() xauthor, text, head, ancestor, format


Getter functions retrieve objects given a hashname and author information

Function Parameters
getMoment() xmoment
getPioneer() (none)
getSecret() xsecret, xauthor
getEntity() xentity, xauthor
getNode() xnode, xauthor
getNodelink() xnodelink, xauthor
getPath() xpath, xauthor
getPathlink() xpathlink, xauthor
getTree() xtree, xauthor
getTreelink() xtreelink, xauthor


A moment is the mimimum representation of the pathchain data structures. Moments are the trunk of every path . They're represented by default with a MM DD YYYY HH:mm:SSS [GMT]Z datetime format for time and a planet earth representation (0, 0, 0) in general as space.

<moment> :: space and time data ::= { <“moments/”> + sha256(<moment>) }

Protocol Buffer file:

syntax = "proto3";

message moment {
    message space {
        message position {
            optional double x = 1;
            optional double y = 2;
            optional double z = 3;

        optional float lat = 1;
        optional float lon = 2;
        optional position xyz = 3;

    message time {
        optional int32 Y = 1;
        optional int32 M = 2;
        optional int32 D = 3;
        optional int32 H = 4;
        optional int32 A = 5;
        optional int32 h = 6;
        optional int32 m = 7;
        optional int32 s = 8;
        optional int32 S = 9;
        optional int32 Z = 10;
        optional int32 _index = 11;
        optional int32 _length = 12;
        optional int32 _match = 13;

    optional space coordinates = 1;
    optional time datetime = 2;

Moment maker

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} datetime (optional)
{float} lat (optional)
{float} lon (optional)
{float} x (optional)
{float} y (optional)
{float} z (optional)
{string} format (optional)

Summoning makeMoment(datetime, lat, lon, x, y, z, format):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

const moment_pb = pathchain.makeMoment(); // Making moment
console.log("Moment buffer: ", moment); // Printing


Moment buffer:  c0f9d300e1b28253455e1835f13ca18d000333152a6a9a9b106d0407612980a8

Moment getter

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xauthor (optional)
{string} xmoment (required)

Summoning getMomentObj(xauthor, xmoment)

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

const moment_pb = pathchain.makeMoment(); // Moment creation
var moment_obj = pathchain.getMomentObj(moment_buff); // Printing


Moment object:  {
  coordinates: { lat: 0, lon: 0, xyz: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } },
  datetime: {
    Y: 2023,
    M: 11,
    D: 8,
    H: 3,
    A: 0,
    h: 0,
    m: 17,
    s: 0,
    S: 175,
    Z: 360,
    _index: 29,
    _length: 29,
    _match: 7


A secret is an OTP (One Time Password) generated by an entity. The moment it is used, it becomes useless. Secrets are represented as SHA-256 hashes, like everything on pathchain.

<secret> :: secret hash generated by an entity ::= { <“secrets/”> + sha256(<moment> + <entity>) }

Protocol Buffer file:

syntax = "proto3";

message secret {
    required string register = 1;
    required string author = 2;
    required bool used = 3;
    required string tag = 4;

Secret maker

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} author (required)
{string} format (optional)

Summoning makeMoment(author, format):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

var sec_pioneer_buff = pathchain.makeSecret(author); // Making a secret with an existing entity hash
console.log("Secret buffer: ", secret); // Printing


Secret buffer:  c0f9d300e1b28253455e1835f13ca18d000333152a6a9a9b106d0407612980a8

Secret usage (using a secret / checking if a secret has been used)

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xsecret (required)

Summoning useSecret(xsecret) & isSecretUsed(xsecret):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

var secret_buff = pathchain.makeSecret(author); // Making a secret with an existing entity hash
console.log("Secret buffer: ", secret); // Printing

// Checking if the secret has been used (before using it)
var used = pathchain.isSecretUsed(secret_buff);
console.log("Secret buffer used?: ", used); // Printing

// Using the secret
pathchain.useSecret(secret_buff, xentity);

// Checking if the secret has been used (before using it)
var used = pathchain.isSecretUsed(secret_buff);
console.log("Secret buffer used?: ", used); // Printing


Secret buffer:  c0f9d300e1b28253455e1835f13ca18d000333152a6a9a9b106d0407612980a8
Secret buffer used?: false
Secret buffer used?: true

Secret getter

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xsecret (required)

Summoning getSecretObj(xsecret):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

const secret_buff = pathchain.makeSecret(author); // Secret creation

var secret_obj = pathchain.getSecretObj(secret_buff); //   Getting object from hashname

console.log("Secret object: ", secret_obj); // Printing


Secret object:  {
  register: 'moments/638976edf4684e746f9bd013bd2e9145b1316ee42b40b0877185f6aeda960b8d',
  author: 'pioneer/ebd4ff7e4f69d1c4c2b529eb60a7ca72bb459c1458e1a011b26b6ea84901d143',
  used: false,
  tag: 'secrets/574e8fee76ba4dc93c2f4cd79399aa01e6cfb19257e4eb305dcfaeb16649b7bf'


A pioneer is a user with all its content made public. It is the first entity on the system and can only generate one secret in order to initiate the human chain for the system. The pioneer buffer exists as a single buffer in the pioneer folder and as an entity in the entities folder.

<pioneer> :: pioneer entity ::= { <“pioneer/”> + sha256(<moment> + <moment>) }

Pioneer maker

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required

Summoning makePioneer():

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

var pioneer_buff = pathchain.makePioneer(); // Pioneer creation

console.log("Pioneer buffer: ", pioneer_buff);


Pioneer buffer:  d945dfb67de94dafbcf0ea35281c7ca534a293db3a4d1ffd82523cd97ff8110f

** If you summon makePioneer() again, it will always return the original pioneer. The pioneer will be the same forever and ever!. For the same reason, summoning getPioneerObj() does not require parameters. If the pioneer does not exist, it is automatically created by the system. **

Pioneer getter

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required

Summoning getPioneerObj():

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

var pioneer_buff = pathchain.makePioneer(); // Pioneer creation
var pioneer_obj = pathchain.getPioneerObj();

console.log("Pioneer buffer: ", pioneer_buff);
console.log("Pioneer object: ", pioneer_obj);


Pioneer buffer:  d945dfb67de94dafbcf0ea35281c7ca534a293db3a4d1ffd82523cd97ff8110f
Pioneer object:  {
  register: 'moments/c73d1ca5abc2e158c76747f7c2d56afc729614042a88d46603991fe8f3d4b518',
  ancestor: 'entities/d945dfb67de94dafbcf0ea35281c7ca534a293db3a4d1ffd82523cd97ff8110f',
  tag: 'entities/d945dfb67de94dafbcf0ea35281c7ca534a293db3a4d1ffd82523cd97ff8110f'


Entities are the actors/users that create/author and organize information on the pathchain. Entities are linked to information from their origin and their relationship with other entities and data in the system. Entities can expand and organize with other entities to publish or modify data in the name of an 'alter-ego' or an 'organization'. An entity can only join the pathchain using another entitie(s) secret.

<entity> :: entity ::= { <“entities/”> + sha256(<moment> + <entity>) }

Protocol Buffer file:

syntax = "proto3";

message entity {
    required string register = 1;
    required string ancestor = 2;
    required string tag = 3;

Entity maker

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} author (required)
{string} format (optional)

Summoning makeEntity(secret, format):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Entity creation
var entity_buff = pathchain.makeEntity(secret);

console.log("Entity buffer: ", entity_buff);


Entity buffer:  c0f9d300e1b28253455e1835f13ca18d000333152a6a9a9b106d0407612980a8

Entity getter

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xentity (required)

Summoning getEntityObj(xentity):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Entity creation
var entity_buff = pathchain.makeEntity(secret);

// Getting entity obj
var entity_obj = pathchain.getEntityObj(entity_buff);

console.log("Entity buffer: ", entity_buff);
console.log("Entity object: ", entity_obj);


Entity buffer:  9a07ccefa200a3bcf3322fee26f35302f0ec206784d537bb06065bfb9f92885c
Entity object:  {
  register: 'moments/28013246663010e61e9fca8dd21d309959954d95ac90739616126f40b8d93ede',
  ancestor: 'entities/undefined',
  tag: 'entities/9a07ccefa200a3bcf3322fee26f35302f0ec206784d537bb06065bfb9f92885c'


Nodes are the primary data storage elements of the pathchain. They can be the representation of plain text, the direction of a file, or an internet url.

<node> :: node ::= { <“nodes/”> + sha256(<moment> + <author> + <content>) }

Protocol Buffer file:

syntax = "proto3";

message node {
    required string register = 1;
    required string author = 2;
    required string file = 3;
    required string text = 4;
    required string url = 5;
    required string tag = 6;

Node maker

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} author (optional)
{string} text (optional)
{string} format (optional)

Summoning makeNode(author, text, format):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Node creation
var node_buff = pathchain.makeNode(author, content);

console.log("Node buffer: ", node_buff);


Node buffer:  a0f9d300e1b28253455e1835f13ca18d000333152a6a9a9b106d0407612980a8

Node getter

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xnode (required)
{string} xauthor (optional)

Summoning getNodeObj(xnode):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Node creation
var node_buff = pathchain.makeNode(secret);

// Getting node obj
var node_obj = pathchain.getNodeObj(node_buff);

console.log("Node buffer: ", node_buff);
console.log("Node object: ", node_obj);


Node buffer:  1014d11c4ed954035790bfed6a3c45e2eda2efbd8d77668c8d8c5d95edc6b0dc
Node object:  {
  register: 'moments/299b4964df437863fdd316c86559e032105ee0f6a6388effd004df60b311f75a',
  author: 'd945dfb67de94dafbcf0ea35281c7ca534a293db3a4d1ffd82523cd97ff8110f',
  text: 'Learning to fly, one step closer to knowing',
  tag: 'nodes/1014d11c4ed954035790bfed6a3c45e2eda2efbd8d77668c8d8c5d95edc6b0dc'


Links are the joints of the paths. They link one node with another.

<link> :: link ::= { <“links/”> + sha256(<moment> + <author> + <target> + <prev> + <next>) }

Protocol Buffer file:

syntax = "proto3";

message nodelink {
    required string register = 1;
    required string author = 2;
    required string ancestor = 3;
    required string prev = 4;
    required string next = 5;
    required string target = 6;
    required string tag = 7;

link maker

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} target (required)
{string} prev (optional)
{string} next (optional)
{string} author (optional)
{string} ancestor (optional)
{string} format (optional)

Summoning makeLink(target, prev, next, author, ancestor, format):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Nodelink creation
var link_buff = pathchain.makelink(target);

console.log("Link buffer: ", link_buff);


Link buffer:  e0f9d300e1b28253455e1835f13ca18d000333152a6a9a9b106d0407612980a8

Link getter

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xlink (required)
{string} xauthor (optional)

Summoning getlinkObj(xlink):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Nodelink creation
var link_buff = pathchain.makeLink(node_buff, "ec59b50c235b66b4e5d78311a1c3313c9ac43a57d763fb530d5e6c67a64d0ee7");

// Getting link obj
var link_obj = pathchain.getLinkObj(link_buff);

console.log("link buffer: ", link_buff);
console.log("link object: ", link_obj);


Link buffer:  2aea1c448756e1b8e7163483d8d8ce17798c0d272adfaeed6907c5f87432e0a5
Link object:  {
  register: 'moments/61f89718cfe72b5aab21cef45d3c01c807e760939e437b48357403e2971c3cd8',
  author: 'etities/ad7f31ed77042ed1681119a65b00bbd909b72ecdfb8db5c5f8af596c5a8518bc',
  prev: 'links/2aea1c448756e1b8e7163483d8d8ce17798c0d272adfaeed6907c5f87432e0a5',
  next: 'links/1baf64c528e787ade5f6b98d7cb0c2c8c0e295ac0ff5ee3939653cddea6ab58f',
  target: 'nodes/ec59b50c235b66b4e5d78311a1c3313c9ac43a57d763fb530d5e6c67a64d0ee7',
  tag: 'links/2aea1c448756e1b8e7163483d8d8ce17798c0d272adfaeed6907c5f87432e0a5'


Paths are the skeleton of the data trees built on pathchain. They are a linear way to connect data.

<path> :: path ::= { <“paths/”> + sha256(<moment> + <author> + <head>) }

Protocol Buffer file:

syntax = "proto3";

message path {
    required string register = 1;
    required string author = 2;
    required string text = 3;
    required string head = 4;
    required string ancestor = 5;
    optional string chain = 6;
    required string tag = 7;

Path maker

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xauthor (required)
{string} text (required)
{string} head (required)
{string} format (optional)

Summoning makePath(secret, text, format):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Path creation
var path_buff = pathchain.makePath(author, text, head);

console.log("Path buffer: ", path_buff);


Path buffer:  a0f9d300e1b28253455e1835f13ca18d000333152a6a9a9b106d0407612980a8

Path getter

Parameter rules:

Parameter Required
{string} xpath (required)
{string} xauthor (optional)

Summoning getPathObj(xpath):

const pathchain = require("pathchain"); // Summoning pathchain

// Path creation
var path_buff = pathchain.makePath(secret);

// Getting path obj
var path_obj = pathchain.getPathObj(path_buff);

console.log("Path buffer: ", path_buff);
console.log("Path object: ", path_obj);


Path buffer:  426cc58ad2576d48429e2bc32a58b39572fba3e8a1465ae9ecb7826a105d5b31
Path object:  {
  register: 'moments/0fede6ab5d5078f7cb535cfdf50f7339c02e343fd9793bd7d68bd544e984ab5b',
  author: 'ad7f31ed77042ed1681119a65b00bbd909b72ecdfb8db5c5f8af596c5a8518bc',
  text: 'pathlink',
  head: 'nodelinks/1d3fbcff97b1b995eb83b6c70b23ea95b385add1b9bcef5d5adcd7db21591aac',
  ancestor: 'paths/426cc58ad2576d48429e2bc32a58b39572fba3e8a1465ae9ecb7826a105d5b31',
  chain: '',
  tag: 'paths/426cc58ad2576d48429e2bc32a58b39572fba3e8a1465ae9ecb7826a105d5b31'




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