
1.1.7 • Public • Published

omegle-node-fix - Unofficial fixed node.js API for Omegle


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omegle-node-fix is an unofficial API for Omegle which can be used to connect and interact with people on omegle without actually going to the website. This is a fixed version of omegle-node, originally created by dumptyd.


npm install omegle-node-fix


Check out examples/omegle.js to get a hang of how this works.

cd examples

node omegle


  • gotID: emitted when you're connected to Omegle's server (note that you're not connected to a stranger yet).
    Argument: id - The ID assigned to you by Omegle.

  • waiting: emitted when you're looking for strangers to connect to.

  • connected: emitted when you're connected to a stranger.

  • typing: emitted when the stranger starts typing.

  • stoppedTyping: emitted when the stranger stops typing.

  • gotMessage: emitted when you receive a message.
    Argument: msg - Received message.

  • question: emitted when you receive a question when spy mode is enabled.
    Argument: question - Received question.

  • commonLikes: emitted when you're connected to a stranger with matching interests.
    Argument: likes - Array of matching interests.

  • disconnected: emitted when you disconnect from the chat. This will be emitted when you call disconnect(). If you want to reconnect, call connect() again only on disconnected and strangerDisconnected event.

  • strangerDisconnected: emitted when the stranger disconnects.

  • connectionDied: emitted when connection to the server is lost. Results in disconnection.

  • omegleError: emitted when there's an error on Omegle's side. Results in disconnection. (Note: this is different from omerror).
    Argument: errorMsg - Error message.

  • antinudeBanned: emitted when you get banned for bad behavior. Bans usually last for 1 to 48 hours. Results in disconnection.

  • recaptchaRequired: emitted when you're required to solve a ReCAPTCHA.
    Argument: challenge - Link to the ReCAPTCHA image.

  • recaptchaRejected: emitted when your answer to the ReCAPTCHA challenge is rejected.
    Argument: challenge - Link to the new ReCAPTCHA image.

  • omerror: emitted when there's an error on client-side. For instance, calling send() before calling connect().
    Argument: errorMsg - Error description. Error messages follow this pattern: functionName(): error message.


  • connect([topics], spyMode): Connect to a random stranger.
    Argument: topics - Optional. An array of interests.
    Argument: spyMode - Optional. Default is false. Set to true in order to connect to spy mode.

  • updateServer(): Update the server to which all the requests are made. This is called every time connect() is called.

  • send(msg): Send a message to the stranger.
    Argument: msg - Message to send.

  • startTyping(): Set your status to typing.

  • stopTyping(): Set your status to stoppedTyping.

  • stopLookingForCommonLikes(): Pretty self explanatory - Stop looking for common likes. If you hate long ungodly function names, you can use slfcl(), which does the same thing too.

  • disconnect(): Disconnect from the chat.

  • solveReCAPTCHA(answer): Send the answer to the ReCAPTCHA challenge to Omegle.
    Argument: answer - Answer to the challenge.

  • connected(): Returns a boolean value specifying whether you're currently connected to a stranger.

  • reloadReCAPTCHA(): It seems like Omegle has gotten rid of recaptchaRejected, so the only way to know whether your ReCAPTCHA answer has been rejected is if you don't get connected to a stranger within a few seconds of submitting your answer. Use this function to reload ReCAPTCHA.


  • useragent: Set or get the useragent.

  • language: Set or get the language you speak. Default is en.


var Omegle = require('omegle-node-fix');
var om = new Omegle(); //create an instance of `Omegle`

//This will print any errors that might get thrown by functions
	console.log('error: ' + err);

//gotID is emitted when you're connected to Omegle 
	console.log('connected to the server as: ' + id);

//waiting is emitted when you're waiting to connect to a stranger
om.on('waiting', function(){
	console.log('waiting for a stranger.');

//emitted when you're connected to a stranger

//emitted when you get a message
	console.log('Stranger: ' + msg);
	om.send('Hi'); //used to send a message to the stranger

//emitted when the stranger disconnects
	console.log('stranger disconnected.');

//Once you're subscribed to all the events that you wish to listen to, 
//call connect() to connect to Omegle and start looking for a stranger.

Example scripts

The examples/ folder contains three scripts:

  • omegle.js - A full-fledged script to demonstrate how the module works.
  • mitm.js - Script showcasing the MITM attack to eavesdrop on two strangers' conversation.
  • reverse-bot.js - An Omegle bot that reverses the received messages and sends them back to the stranger.

Please do not use this to create spam bots, there are already enough of those on Omegle.

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  • hdboye