Small wrapper around Singapore MyInfo V3 API for node JS. Wraps the scary-scary
Lightly refactored from the excellent official example
Initialise MyInfoClient
const MyInfoClient = require('node-my-info-sg'); const myInfoClient = new MyInfoClient({ // MyInfo API base URL (sandbox/test/production) // https://www.ndi-api.gov.sg/assets/lib/trusted-data/myinfo/specs/myinfo-kyc-v3.0.1.yaml.html#section/Environments/Available-Environments baseUrl: 'https://sandbox.api.myinfo.gov.sg', // Api auth level (L0 for sandbox; Otherwise L2) authLevel: 'L0', // Public key from MyInfo Consent Platform given to you during onboarding for RSA digital signature publicCertPath: './ssl/stg-auth-signing-public.pem', // Your private key for RSA digital signature privateKeyPath: './ssl/stg-demoapp-client-privatekey-2018.pem', // Your client_id provided to you during onboarding clientId: 'STG2-MYINFO-SELF-TEST', // Your client_secret provided to you during onboarding clientSecret: '44d953c796cccebcec9bdc826852857ab412fbe2', // Redirect URL for your web application // https://www.ndi-api.gov.sg/library/trusted-data/myinfo/implementation-technical-requirements (Callback URLs) redirectUrl: 'http://localhost:3001/callback', });
Generate the OAuth2 url
const attributes = ['uinfin', 'name', 'mobileno']; const { authoriseUrl, state } = myInfoClient.getAuthoriseUrl(purpose, attributes); // Then you can pass authoriseUrl to your frontend app // (or open authoriseUrl on a WebView on your mobile apps) // // Note: You might want to store authoriseUrl, attributes, and state to fulfill the transaction log requirements // https://www.ndi-api.gov.sg/library/trusted-data/myinfo/implementation-technical-requirements
Get the person object
// Exchange authorisation code with usable access token const { accessToken } = await myInfoClient.getToken(code); // Get the person object // Make sure attributes is the same as the one requested in previous step! const { person } = await myInfoClient.getPerson(accessToken, attributes) // Now you can return the person object to your frontend and pre-fill your form! console.log(JSON.stringify(person));
In the example directory, run:
yarn install
Unit test
yarn lint
yarn test