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1.2.2 • Public • Published


JSON driven dynamic forms in a compact form UI for Angular. Package can be downloaded via npm here.

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Angular 8+ static and dynamic forms library. Supports validation, async calls, and floating labels. Support for the following input types:

  • text
  • number
  • password
  • email
  • textarea
  • date
  • select

Getting started

1. Install ng-flat-form

Download from npm here. Or install locally by running:

  npm install ng-flat-form --save

2. Import the installed libraries

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { NgFlatFormModule } from 'ng-flat-form/lib/ng-flat-form.module';

import { AppComponent } from './app';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

3. Create a flat-form in in your template

View Template

<div class="container">
  <ng-flat-form [form]="form"></ng-flat-form>


  public form: FlatForm;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  private initializeForm(): void {
    this.form = new FlatForm([
      new FlatFormControlGroup({
        title: '',
        description: '',
        controls: [
          new FlatFormControl({
            class: 'border-bottom half border-right',
            key: 'name',
            placeholder: 'Name',
            type: FlatFormControlType.INPUT_TEXT,
            required: true,
            showValidation: true,
            showLength: true,
          new FlatFormControl({
            class: 'border-bottom half',
            key: 'email',
            placeholder: 'Email',
            type: FlatFormControlType.INPUT_EMAIL,
            required: true,
            showValidation: true,
            manualValidation: true,
            showLength: true,
            onChange: this.handlePasswordChange,
            debounceTime: 1000,

4. Subscribe to form changes


  public form: FlatForm;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  private handleFormChange(): void {
    this.form.statusChanges.subscribe((event: any) => {

5. Set form value

You can set the forms value in two ways: During initialization, by providing a value to the value property within FlatFormControl. Or by calling setForm({..}) on the FlatForm instance.


  public form: FlatForm;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  private setForm(): void {
      name: 'Ron Swanson',
      email: 'ron.swanson@pnr.giv'



Property Type Required Description
value T false get/set the value of the control
key string true the object key associated with the form value, also the corresponding key for json driven forms
placeholder string false corresponds to the placeholder property of the element
required boolean false flag for whether the required field validator is applied to the given control
disabled boolean false flag for whether the given control will render as disabled
type FlatFormControlType true sets the control type (input, textarea, select)
maxLength number false corresponds to the maxLength property of the element
minLength number false corresponds to the minLength property of the element
max number false corresponds to the max property of the element
min number false corresponds to the min property of the element
loading boolean false flag controlling the visibility of the loading icon
hidden boolean false corresponds to the hidden property of the element
showLoadingOnChange boolean false flag for whether the loading icon should be shown when onChange is called
selectOptions {key: string, value: string}[] = [] false array of key/value pairs to be used for select options
rows number false corresponds to the rows attribute of the <textarea /> element
showValidation boolean false flag for whether or not valid/invalid icons are shown while editing the given control
manualValidation boolean false disables automatic validation allowing for manual updating of the given controls state
showLength boolean false flat for whether or not dynamic character count is shown when maxLength is also defined
onChange (event: any, control: FlatFormControl, controls: FlatFormControl[]) => void
selectOptionsAsync () => any false callback for retrieving select options dynamically
selectOptionsMap { keyProperty: string, valueProperty: string } false function for mapping selectOptionsAsync to key/value pairs as defined for selectOptions
class string false free form string for assigning custom classes to the given control
state string false represents the status of the given control at any time (valid, invalid)
debounceTime number false milliseconds delay between an input change event and the callback to onChange




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