lol-chime Summary
A terminal utility serving the League of Legends community that runs client side and notifies them when their friends are finished with their game. For web app version go here.
- Run in a terminal
chime <IGN>
chime boostedAnimal
- Would be a query for the summoner boostedAnimal in whatever region you specify in the config file.
- Please keep in mind that Live Game data for 'Bot' cannot be retrieved from Riot’s official API.
Are you On Windows?
- Please install Node.js & NPM if you haven't already!
- We require mplayer to run the audio chime in node. (If you don't install it, that's okay but you might not get the audio chime!)
- Open up CMD and run
setx MYPATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\MPlayer for Windows"
- In CMD, type in
and hit enter a blur of text should roll by, as long as it runs without a command not found, you're good to go! - Also run
npm install lol-chime -g
- Move on over to the config section
Are you On OSX?
- Please install Node.js & NPM if you haven't already!
- We require mplayer to run the audio chime in node. (If you don't install it, that's okay but you might not get the audio chime!)
- Open up terminal and type in
and hit enter a blur of text should roll by, as long as it runs without a command not found, you're good to go! - Open up terminal and run
npm install lol-chime -g
- Move on over to the config section
Are you On Linux?
- linux master race kek
- Please install Node.js & NPM if you haven't already!
- We require mplayer to run the audio chime in node. (If you don't install it, that's okay but you might not get the audio chime!)
- Open up terminal and run this to install mplayer
sudo apt-get install mplayer
- Also run
npm install lol-chime -g
- Move on over to the config section
Are You On Windows? (Config)
- Open up notepad and save an empty text file(we'll fit it in later) as
, as an example my personal user on Windows isC:\Users\Max
- Sign in on your league of legends account on the Riot Games developer portal and grab an API key if you haven't already!
- Open up notepad and copy over the text from .chimerc
- Make sure the file name is only
, if you need additional help doing this please look here
Are You On Linux/OSX? (Config)
- Open up terminal and run
cd ~ && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/max-su/lol-chime/master/.chimerc
- Sign in on your league of legends account on the Riot Games developer portal and grab an API key if you haven't already!
What Do We Fill In? (Config for OSX/Windows/Linux)
Open up your favorite text editor for .chimerc and
to your api key. -
to your region code (see the following section). -
to how often you want to refresh (in seconds). -
We recommend a refresh rate of 2 to 10 to keep in line with Riot's allotted limit:
10 requests every 10 seconds
500 requests every 10 minutes
Please keep in mind you do not need to put quotation marks around these strings or numbers!
- BR
- JP
- KR
- NA
- TR
- RU
- If we don't have your region please blame rito & their chinese overlords. Sorry CN/SEA!
This application is under the WTFPL License.
Lol-Chime isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends © Riot Games, Inc.