
9.1.22 • Public • Published


[DEPRECATED] Thanks for using this package, but we will no longer support it.

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Use this service to deploy files to multiple Kubernetes clusters. You just have to organize your manifest files into directories that match the names of your clusters (the name defined in your kubeconfig files). Then you just provide a directory of kubeconfig files and the kit-deployer will asynchronously send all manifests up to their corresponding clusters.

There is also support for namespaces. Simply provide a directory with namespaces that are grouped into folders that match the name of the kubeconfig cluster you want them deployed to.

The kit-deployer service was designed to work for a CI type service like Codeship where it can be run as a docker image as part of your automated workflow. However, you can also use it as an npm module or as a CLI tool directly.

Use as Docker Image

docker run --help

We recommend using kit components with Codeship's Docker Infrastructure, however you are free to run this tool however way you wish. Anything that has Docker can run this image.

Using as CLI

You can run the ./src/deployer --help to see how it works.

Note this method requires node and was tested on version 5.5.0.

Using as npm module

Use npm to install kit-deployer:

$ npm install kit-deployer --save

Then require it and use it like so:

var Deployer = require("kit-deployer").Deployer;
var options = {
    sha: "c6350f4c2709708b8f784408a440030e704b2b9a",
    dryRun: true,
    diff: true,
    github: {
        token: "<OAUTH_TOKEN_HERE>",
        user: "chesleybrown",
        repo: "my-app"
var deployer = new Deployer(options);
// setup logging of events
deployer.on("info", function(message) {
deployer.on("warn", function(message) {
deployer.on("error", function(message) {
deployer.on("fatal", function(message) {
deployer.on("status", function(status) {
deployer.on("progress", function(progress) {
    .deploy("/configs/**/kubeconfig", "/manifests", "/namespaces")

Note this method requires node and was tested on version 5.5.0.


The progress event emits whenever a cluster was successfully deployed to or failed deploying. It will tell you how many clusters are left, how many had issues being deployed to and what these clusters were. This is what the object looks like. Information is purposely made redundant for easier logging where needed.

  "percent": 0.5,
  "clusters": {
    "total": 4,
    "completed": 2,
    "found": [
    "remaining": [
    "successful": [
    "failed": []


To create a Namespace within a given cluster, simply provide the namespace files within a directory matching the name of the cluster. So if you had a cluster called my-cluster, you could place the following contents into a file called ./namespaces/my-cluster/example-namespace.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: example


All manifest files should be placed into directories corresponding to the name of the cluster + namespace they are for. So for example, if you wanted to deploy manifests to a cluster called my-cluster, you could place all the manifest files into ./manifests/my-cluster/**/*.yaml.

Reserved Labels

The following labels are dynamically generated and managed by kit for all manifests. They should not be manually set and if they are an error will be thrown halting the deploy.

  • id
  • strategy

Required Labels

The following labels must be set on Deployment manifests and on the labels for the pod template within the Deployment manifest.

  • name

Supported Types

Currently we only properly support the following types to be used as manifests. Any other type used will not be deployed and will display a warning:

  • Deployment
  • Job
  • Secret
  • Service
  • DaemonSet
  • PersistentVolumeClaim

Order of Deploys (beta)

NOTE: this feature is a work in progress and may not function correctly

By default, all manifests are deployed to a given cluster at the same time. If however you require manifests to be deployed in a specific order you can utilize the "dependency-selector". By specifying a manifest with dependencies on other resources, the deployer will only deploy that manifest once those other services are fully available on the cluster.

You can specify dependencies using a metadata annotation called kit-deployer/dependency-selector. It should be a valid label selector. For example:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: proxy-deployment
    kit-deployer/dependency-selector: database=mongo,env=prod

Supported Dependency Types

Currently we only properly support the following types to be used as dependencies:

  • Deployment
  • Job
  • Secret
  • Service

Manifest backup

With BACKUP_ENABLED set to true each manifest will be backed up to the specified S3 bucket with the path /AWS_BUCKET/cluster-name/manifest after the manifest has been deployed. By default files can be backed up as yaml or json format - yaml is the default.

Expected environment variables

The following environment variables are used by this service.

Variable Description Required Default
API_VERSION The kubernetes api version to use yes v1
CI_COMMIT_ID The commit sha that we are deploying. Needed if GITHUB_ENABLED=true no empty
SELECTOR Selector (label query) to filter on no empty
CONFIGS Set the pattern to search for cluster config files yes /configs/**/kubeconfig
NAMESPACES_DIR Set the directory where all the namespace files are. They should be grouped in folders matching the of the cluster that you want them deployed to yes /namespaces
MANIFESTS_DIR Set the directory where all the manifest files are. They should be grouped in folders matching the of the cluster that you want them deployed to yes /manifests
DRY_RUN Will only show the diff and will not push anything to the cluster yes true
UUID A UUID to be used in webhooks and API requests false empty
DEPLOY_ID A unique id to be used in deployments false empty
STRATEGY The deployment strategy to use. Currently supports rolling-update, fast-rollback. false rolling-update
RESOURCE The resource name for the manifests being deployed false empty
DEBUG A boolean flag to enable debug mode yes false
IS_ROLLBACK A boolean flag that is passed in the available payload post yes false
DIFF Will show a diff yes false
FORCE Will push all changes even if there are no differences yes false
CREATE_ONLY Will only create resources that don't already exist. Will not perform any updates or removals. yes false
RAW Will not perform any alterations to the manifest and simply deploy them as is yes false
BACKOFF_FAIL_AFTER Maximum number of backoffs before the call is aborted yes 10
BACKOFF_INITIAL_DELAY The initial delay when starting to backoff in ms yes 1000
BACKOFF_MAX_DELAY The maximum delay when doing a backoff in ms yes 30000
AVAILABLE_ENABLED Will check if deployed service is available, but will only affect if deployment is considered successful or not if --available-required is also enabled yes false
AVAILABLE_POLLING_INTERVAL The number of seconds to wait between status checking API requests yes false
AVAILABLE_HEALTH_CHECK Will monitor for issues during the deployment yes true
AVAILABLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GRACE_PERIOD The amount of time in seconds that the health check will wait for a deployment to self-heal before triggering a failure yes 10
AVAILABLE_HEALTH_CHECK_THRESHOLD The number times a particular error event can occur before triggering a failure yes 0
AVAILABLE_HEALTH_CHECK_IGNORED_ERRORS Errors that the built in healthchecker will ignore yes empty
AVAILABLE_WEBHOOK The URL you want to send the status payload of the deployment progress to. You can provide multiple endpoints by using a JSON array of URLs no empty
AVAILABLE_ALL When enabled it will check if all manifests are available even if no differences were deployed yes false
AVAILABLE_REQUIRED Will only finish once the manifest is considered available in the cluster yes false
AVAILABLE_KEEP_ALIVE Will print the status of the available check every AVAILABLE_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL seconds (useful for CI tools that require log output to prevent timeouts) yes false
AVAILABLE_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL Determines the interval at which the keep alive message will be printed yes 30
AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait for a given manifest to be available yes 600
DEPENDENCY_WAIT The number of seconds to wait between status check attempts for a dependency yes 3
DEPENDENCY_TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait before timing out waiting for a dependency to be available yes 600
GITHUB_ENABLED If true, will check the date of the commit against github and will only deploy if the commit is newer than what is on the cluster. yes true
GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN Your github token to the repo we are deploying (used to retrieve additional info on the commit) yes empty
GITHUB_USER The github user that the repo belongs to yes empty
GITHUB_REPO The github repo name yes empty
BACKUP_ENABLED Enable Backups to AWS S3 no false
SAVE_FORMAT Format to save backup manifest as (json yaml) no
AWS_BUCKET AWS s3 bucket name to save to yes empty
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS User key to use yes empty
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS User Secret to use yes empty


See the Contributing guide for steps on how to contribute to this project.




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  • titaninvision
  • chesleybrown
  • erutherford