
0.1.5 • Public • Published


Lightweight infinite-lookahead parser generator that supports basic grammars defined in a JSON format. More information and interactive examples are available at

npm version and link.

This library makes it possible to rapidly assemble and deploy a parser for a simple language. It is intended primarily for languages that have an LL grammar.


Representation of Grammars

Suppose we want to represent a grammar of basic arithmetic expressions in the following way (assuming that operators will associate to the right):

var grammar = [ 
  {"Term": [
    {"Add": [["Factor"], "+", ["Term"]]},
    {"": [["Factor"]]}
  {"Factor": [
    {"Mul": [["Atom"], "*", ["Factor"]]},
    {"": [["Atom"]]}
  {"Atom": [
    {"Num": [{"RegExp":"[0-9]+"}]}

It is assumed that grammars are represented as nested objects according to the following conventions:

  • a grammar consists of an array of production rules;
  • each production rule is represented by an object that maps the name of its non-terminal to an array of possible cases;
  • each case is represented by an object that maps a case name to a sequence of terminals and non-terminals; and
  • each entry in a case sequence can be a terminal (represented as a string), non-terminal (represented by a singleton array with a non-terminal string), or regular expression (represented as an object with a single key "RegExp" that maps to the actual regular expression string).

Note that the case name (i.e., the sole key in each case object) is used within any abstract syntax tree node constructed according to that case. For example, if a token sequence or string is parsed successfully according to the case sequence {"Add": [["Factor"], "+", ["Term"]]}, then the resulting abstract syntax tree will be of the form {"Add":[...]}.

Basic Parsing

It is possible to parse a string according to the grammar in the following way:

imparse.parse(grammar, '1*2 + 3*4')

The above yields the following abstract syntax tree:


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