Import content/article from blogger to hexo without losing SEO
- Migrate from blogger to hexo
- Migrate blogger permalink to hexo permalink without losing SEO
- Gulp function supported
- Node 12.x 14.x
- Python 2.7 or 3.3
- GCC (node-gyp)
- Typescript (global)
- ts-node (global)
npm config set python /path/python_dir/python
npm i -g node-gyp typescript ts-node
Using Git Repository (Development)
npm i git+https://github.com/dimaslanjaka/hexo-blogger-xml.git
Using NPM Repository (Production)
npm i hexo-blogger-xml
Setup Hexo _config.yml
permalink: :title.html # set permalink to title to direct permalink from directory path
trailing_html: true # Set true to keep `.html` from permalink
# site title (optional), will set on header.webtitle each post
site_title: "WMI"
# default thumbnail if no image in post, will set on header.cover each post
thumbnail: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/No_image_available.svg/1024px-No_image_available.svg.png"
# script path relative path from hexo root directory
callback: "./scripts/post_callback.js"
# Your blog domain and subdomain to seo external link, and bellow list is an internal link based on domains
- "webmanajemen.com"
- "git.webmanajemen.com"
# Output directory
output: "source/_posts"
# blogger xml path relative path from hexo root directory, you can insert multiple xml
- "../xml/test.xml"
- "./directory/another.xml"
Setup .gitignore to your project
# this is build directory of hexo-blogger-xml
this plugin run once. If you want to rewrite the posts, you should remove
Using GULP Example
view this repo workflow gulp gulpfile.ts
//use typescript compiler replace import bellow
//import gulpCore from "hexo-blogger-xml/src/gulp-core";
import { gulpCore } from "hexo-blogger-xml";
import path from "path";
gulp.task("blogger", function (done) {
const mainXML = path.resolve("demo/xml/test.xml");
input: [mainXML],
output: "./src-posts",
hostname: ["webmanajemen.com", "www.webmanajemen.com", "dimaslanjaka.github.io"],
callback: require("./demo/xml/post_callback"),
on: {
finish: (parser) => {
console.log("Blogger gulp finished");
run with:
npx gulp blogger
How to export blogger articles/content
How to keep blogger seo to new domain
- Open blogger theme
- Edit HTML, add below codes to
<script type='text/javascript'>
// <![CDATA[
let hostname = "web-manajemen.blogspot.com"; // your blogger hostname/domain
let pathnames = ["/p/search.html", "/p/a.html", "/p/gallery.html", "/p/privacy.html", "/p/tos.html", "/p/proxy-extractor-online.html", "/p/redirect.html", "/p/simple-websocket.html"]; // redirect custom pages, otherwise retains on blogger
function redirectNow() {
let href = window.location.href;
let url = new URL(href);
url.host = "www.webmanajemen.com";
url.hostname = "www.webmanajemen.com";
let newhref =
url.protocol + "//" + url.host + url.pathname + url.search + url.hash;
if (
window.location.host == hostname &&
) {
// ]]>
- or using [this template](https://github.com/dimaslanjaka/hexo-blogger-xml/tree/compiler/blogger redirect theme/blogger-redirect-theme.xml)
- Change Redirect Feed URL to new domain feed url
Preview This Plugin
permalink: /2021/09/post-with-description.html
- [ ] Sync with https://github.com/hr6r/hexo-migrator-blogger
Source Code
Bash script for migrate blogger to hexo
# remove what's there
rm source/_posts/*.md
# download blogs
node_modules/.bin/hexo migrate blogger 'http://blog.meredrica.org/feeds/posts/default?alt=json&max-results=10000'
node_modules/.bin/hexo migrate blogger 'http://jujitsu.westreicher.org/feeds/posts/default?alt=json&max-results=10000'
# fix image links generated by migrate
# they will look like this: [](link to larg img)
# this is an image that is the anchor text to the big immage
# this perl command replaces the anchor and inserts a new image tag that points to the large one
# regex broken down
# \[!\[]\(http.*?\)]
# matches the start of the anchor tag like: [![] (http:...)]
# (\(http.*?\))
# matches the second part (http:....) including the brackets and captures it in group 1
# this part of the regex produces the new image tag with the matched group 1
# ![]\1
perl -p -i -e 's/\[!\[]\(http.*?\)](\(http.*?\))/![]\1/g' source/_posts/*
# download the images to the local folder
node_modules/.bin/hexo migrate image
# strip all html tags and their attributes
perl -p -i -e 's/<.*?>//g' source/_posts/*
# replace all occurances of mor than 3 empty lines with just two of them
# this is required because the blogger migrate creates a lot of empty lines
# the tag replacement from above then creates even more
perl -0 -p -i -e 's/\n{3,}/\n\n/g' source/_posts/*
# remove all generated .bak files
rm source/_posts/*.bak