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A grunt plugin that extracts modules from html markup based on regular expressions



Note: If you want to take a deeper look into the example just run npm test and take a look into the generated folders.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

Install latest release recommended

npm install grunt-assemble-handlebars-module-exporter --save-dev

Install bleeding edge caution

Add the follwing line to your package.json

"grunt-assemble-handlebars-module-exporter": "git+"

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "assemble-handlebars-module-exporter" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named assemble-handlebars-module-exporter to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

	'assemble-handlebars-module-exporter': {
			// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
			'your_target': {
				// Setting up your options
				'options': {
					// Take a look into the "defaults.js" file within the package



Type: RegEx
Default value: /(<!--\s?START\s?(.*?.hbs)\s+(AS?\s?(.*?))?\s?(WITH?\s?(.*?))?-->)/gm

A RegEx which is used to find the modules within the HTML code.


Type: Array
Default value:

[ {
	'replace': 'START',
	'with': 'END'
} ]

An Array which defines the replacements in the "start" regex to build the "end" regex.


<!-- START b-branding.hbs WITH b-branding.css -->

will be converted to

<!-- END b-branding.hbs -->


Type: String
Default value: resources/templates/

A String which defines the source directory for the modules (.hbs files for example).


Type: String
Default value: .html

A String which defines the export extension of the modules.


Type: String
Default value: _output

A String which defines the output directory of assemble. The Task searches the depending files in this directory.


Type: Array
Default value:


An Array which defines the directories within the dependingFilesBasePath which should be scanned for depending files.


Type: Object
Default value:

files: {
	'always': [
	'byFileType': [

An Object which defines the base dependencies for each module.

always means that these files are always copied to the output folder of the module.

byFileType means that these files are copied if the file extensions dependencies in the module matching the base dependency.

Comments in your modules

Take a look in the repository. I've included some sublime snippet files. Feel free to use them!


<!-- START b-footer.hbs -->
<div id="site-info" class="b-footer">
		{{#each items}}
			<li>{{#if link}}<a href="{{ link }}" title="{{ title }}">{{/if}}{{{ title }}}{{#if link}}</a>{{/if}}</li>
<!-- END b-footer.hbs -->

with AS option

<!-- START b-footer.hbs AS b-footer-with-new-name -->
<div id="site-info" class="b-footer">
		{{#each items}}
			<li>{{#if link}}<a href="{{ link }}" title="{{ title }}">{{/if}}{{{ title }}}{{#if link}}</a>{{/if}}</li>
<!-- END b-footer.hbs -->

with WITH option

<!-- START b-footer.hbs WITH footer.css,footer.js,footer-logo.png -->
<div id="site-info" class="b-footer">
		{{#each items}}
			<li>{{#if link}}<a href="{{ link }}" title="{{ title }}">{{/if}}{{{ title }}}{{#if link}}</a>{{/if}}</li>
<!-- END b-footer.hbs -->

with AS and WITH option

<!-- START b-footer.hbs AS b-footer-with-new-name WITH footer.css,footer.js,footer-logo.png -->
<div id="site-info" class="b-footer">
		{{#each items}}
			<li>{{#if link}}<a href="{{ link }}" title="{{ title }}">{{/if}}{{{ title }}}{{#if link}}</a>{{/if}}</li>
<!-- END b-footer.hbs -->


Within the root directory run:

npm test

... this will install all node modules for this task, it will install all node modules for veams and it will run all tests

Package Sidebar


npm i grunt-assemble-handlebars-module-exporter

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  • pixel-shock