Growtopia API
Unofficial Growtopia API for searching item information, server status and gathering item sprites...
☁️ Installation
npm install growtopia-api
📋 Example
- Searching Item Information
const { itemInfo } = require("growtopia-api");
Example output:
Name: "Angel Wings",
URL: "",
Description: "Better than a Halo, these will actually let you double jump!",
Properties: [ "This item never drops any seeds", "This item can be transmuted" ],
Sprite: "",
Color: [ "#EFEFEF", "#FFFFFF" ],
Rarity: undefined,
Recipe: {
type: "Valentine Loot",
recipe: [
"It is a possible drop from breaking either a Heartstone, Golden Booty Chest, or a Super Golden Booty Chest or from a Well of Love every five Golden Booty Chests filled."
Splice: undefined,
Info: "The Angel Wings is an unsplicable back item which was added as part of Valentine"s Week 2013.",
Type: "Clothes",
matches: [
"Angel Wings",
"Angel of Mercy"s Wings",
"Angelic Counting Cloud",
"Angelic Heart Cloud"
- Searching item names matching with keyword
const { searchItem } = require("growtopia-api");
Returns an Array in following structure:
itemName: "Angelic Heart Cloud",
url: ""
itemName: "Golden Angel Wings",
url: ""
- Get Item Sprite
const { getImage } = require("growtopia-api");
Returns an Array in following structure:
- Server Status
const { serverStatus } = require("growtopia-api");
Example output (returns Object):
date: "Oct 18",
time: " 10:05:36",
playerCount: 48966,
wotdName: "HETERODOXY",
wotdURL: ""