
0.17.4 • Public • Published


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A library for scripting html. Explore the API reference below and check out the examples.

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npm i goodgraphics


<script src=""></script>


const svg = new Graphic({
  attributes: {
    fill: 'white',
    style: 'background: #1b1b1b',
});'50%', '50%', 50);


For a more light-weight solution you can fork any of the following templates and get started quicker:


The examples are built on top of Eleventy and can be run using:

npm run dev

npm run examples

Graphic API

new Graphic(options)

Creates a new instance for all drawing methods. options is a JavaScript object with the following properties:

  • @param {String} container Selector or DOM element used as container for the SVG. Defaults to 'body'.
  • @param {Number} height Height of the svg. Defaults to 200.
  • @param {Number} width Width of the svg. Defaults to 200.
  • @param {String} viewBox viewbox of the svg. Defaults to 0 0 width height.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.
  • @param {Object} template The type of Graphic, Options: html, svg (Default).


Draws the svg.


Removes the svg.


Re-draws the svg.


Empties the markup and resets the Graphic's contents.

HTML Element/Tag API

$tag(content, attributes)

The library supports a majorty of html tags as the primary interface. For all of them we attempt to guess the location of where to add the tag in either the head or body. These functions are a wrapper around this.head and this.body. Note: In the future we might need to add functionality to allow people to choose the location.

  • @param {String} content The content of the element.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

To nest elements pass content as a function.

const page = new SCRIPT();

page.ul(() => {[
  ]);'item 2');'item 3');

circle(x, y, radius, attributes)

  • @param {String | Number} x The x position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} y The y position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} radius The radius of the shape.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

ellipse(x, y, width, height, attributes)

  • @param {String | Number} x The x position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} y The y position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} width The width of the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} height The height of the shape.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

rect(x, y, width, height, attributes)

  • @param {String | Number} x The x position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} y The y position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} width The width of the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} height The height of the shape.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

square(x, y, size, attributes)

  • @param {String | Number} x The x position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} y The y position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} size The size of the square.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

triangle(x, y, height, attributes)

NOTE: Using translate in attributes.transform might collide with the translation that the shape naturally does.

  • @param {String | Number} x The x position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} y The y position for the shape.
  • @param {String | Number} size The size of the triangle.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

polygon(points, attributes)

  • @param {Array [Strings]} points Series of points to form the shape.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

line(x1, y1, x2, y2, attributes)

  • @param {String | Number} x1 The x position of the start of the line.
  • @param {String | Number} y1 The y position of the start of the line.
  • @param {String | Number} x2 The x position of the end of the line.
  • @param {String | Number} y2 The y position of the end of the line.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

polyline(points, attributes)

  • @param {Array [Strings]} points Series of points on the line.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

path(commands, attributes)

  • @param {Array Strings} commands An array of path commands.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.

group(draw, attributes)

Group the markup into a div or g element based on the Graphic's template.

  • @param {Function} draw The draw function.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag. => {'50%', '50%', '10%');


head(content) and body(content)


Update the global attributes for the Graphic in the top-level svg ot html tag.

Manually add markup to this.content.$location. Note, this is sort of a "cheat/catch-all" function.

Helper Functions

times(number, draw, attributes)

Runs the draw function x number of times.

  • @param {Number} number The number of times to run the loop.
  • @param {Function} draw The draw function.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.
const numberOfCircles = 4;

svg.times(numberOfCircles, (index) => {`${(index + 1) * 20}%`, '50%', '10%');


grid(options, draw, attributes)

Draw items across a grid. options is A JavaScript object with the following properties:

  • @param {Function} draw The draw function.
  • @param {Object} options A JavaScript object with the following properties:
  • @param {Number} options.columns The number of columns.
  • @param {Number} options.rows The number of rows.
  • @param {Number} options.height Height of the svg. Defaults to svg's height.
  • @param {Number} options.width Width of the svg. Defaults to svg's width.
  • @param {Number} options.margin Margin between the edges and the grid. Defaults to 0.
  • @param {String | Number} options.x The x position for the grid.
  • @param {String | Number} options.y The y position for the grid.
  • @param {Object} attributes Key value pairs of attributes to apply to the tag.
svg.grid({columns: 2, rows: 2, margin: 20}, (item) => {
  const {posX, posY, cellWidth} = item;

  svg.square(posX, posY, cellWidth);



  • @return {String} The html markup for the Graphic.

save(fileName, isPng)

Save the svg as a png.

  • @param {String} fileName The name of the file name.
  • @param {Boolean} fileName Save the file as a .svg or .png.

map(number, inMin, inMax, outMin, outMax)

Maps a value from one range to another.

  • @param {Number} number The number to map.
  • @param {Number} inMin The min for the first range.
  • @param {Number} inMax The max for the first range.
  • @param {Number} outMin The min for the second range.
  • @param {Number} outMax The max for the second range.

random(min, max)

Get a random number between two numbers.

  • @param {Number} min The min of the range.
  • @param {Number} max The max of the range.

lerp(a, b, percent)

Find the middle number between two numbers.

lerp(0, 100, 0.5); // returns 50


Find the middle color between two (hex format) colors.

lerpColor('#000000', '#ffffff', 0.5); // returns #7F7F7F


Convert a number radians to degrees


Convert a number degrees to radians


All contributors and all contributions both big and small are welcome in this project.


Romello Goodman



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  • romellogoodman