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2.0.63 • Public • Published

Fantasy Hockey Notifier CDK

AWS CDK construct to send notifications for adds, drops, and trades in an ESPN Fantasy Hockey league

NPM version PyPI version Release

This application checks for and sends notifications about adds, drops, and trades in an ESPN Fantasy Hockey league. All ESPN APIs used are unofficial and undocumented, thus this application may break at some point in the future if ESPN changes the response schema for any of the endpoints. The codebase supports local execution, along with deployment to AWS using AWS CDK.

Local Execution

In addition to being consumable as a CDK construct (which is the primary use-case), the project supports local execution for testing purposes.

Prerequisites for Local Execution

  • Node.js 14 or later
  • See the Environment Variables section for a list of required and optional variables that should be exported in the shell or set in the .env file
  • If using any of the environment variables starting with AWS_ or ending with _SSM, you must configure AWS credentials via a local credentials file or environment variables. See the AWS documentation for details.

Shell Commands for Local Execution

npm ci
npm start

API Reference


Environment Variables

Required Variables

FH_SEASON or FH_SEASON_SSM: The year of the fantasy hockey season (i.e. 2020 for the 2019-2020 season)

FH_LEAGUE_ID or FH_LEAGUE_ID_SSM: The ID of the ESPN fantasy hockey league (this is displayed in the URL when you go to the My Team page) or the path for an SSM parameter with this value (SSM variable takes prescedence if both are specified)

ESPN_S2_COOKIE or ESPN_S2_COOKIE_SSM: The value of your espn_s2 cookie to be used for authentication (you can find this by examining stored cookies for using the Chrome or Firefox developer tools) or the path for an SSM parameter with this value (SSM variable takes prescedence if both are specified)

Optional Variables

AWS_SNS_TOPIC_ARN: The ARN of an existing AWS SNS topic

AWS_DYNAMO_DB_TABLE_NAME or DISCORD_WEBHOOK_SSM: The name of an existing Dynamo DB table to use for storing last run dates (takes priority over LAST_RUN_FILE_PATH if both are set) or the path for an SSM parameter with this value (SSM variable takes prescedence if both are specified)

DISCORD_WEBHOOK: A Discord webhook URL

LAST_RUN_FILE_PATH: A local file path to use for storing last run dates (defaults to .lastrun)

EARLIEST_DATE: A unix timestamp in milliseconds to use as the earliest date when looking up transactions

LATEST_DATE: A unix timestamp in milliseconds to use as the latest date when looking up transactions


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

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npm i fantasy-hockey-notifier-cdk

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  • ftalburt