
1.1.4 • Public • Published

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Change the module loading mechanism.

barney allows you to hook into the module loading mechanism to easily trigger functions or return a given value everytime a module is required. Just make sure you know what you're doing, as this is intended to be used mainly during testing or development.


As usual:

npm install barney

Tests can be run with:

npm test


Once you require barney, require() will already be hooked. Just add hooks and interceptors.

var barney = require('barney');
// Add a hook to the `foo` module
barney.hook('foo', 'bar');
var foo = require('foo');
assert.equal(foo, 'bar');
var count = 0;
// Add an interceptor
barney.intercept(function () {
  count += 1;
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
assert.equal(count, 2);

See the complete API reference.


Interceptors are functions called whenever you require a module. Interceptors are executed sequentially and if any of them returns a truthy value, the chain is stopped and that value will be used as the return value for the require() call:

var count = 0;
// Count how many times `require()` is used
barney.intercept(function () {
  count += 1;
  console.log(count + ' requires...');
var path = require('path');
//> Logs '1 requires...'
var fs = require('fs');
//> Logs '2 requires...'

You can also add an interceptor for a specific module:

var pathCount = 0;
// Count how many times the `path` module has been required
barney.intercept('path', function () {
  pathCount += 1;
  console.log('`path` has been required ' + pathCount + ' times...');
var path = require('path');
//> Logs '`path` has been required 1 times...'
var fs = require('fs');
//> Logs nothing
var path = require('path');
//> Logs '`path` has been required 2 times...'

NOTE: interceptors are run before the original loader function is executed, therefore they will be executed even if the module has already been loaded and in cache.

Interceptors receive the same arguments as the original loader function:

barney.intercept(function (request, parent, isMain) {
  // `request`  - is the string passed to `require()`;
  // `parent`   - is the module which called `require()`;
  // `isMain`   - is `true` if the module was invoked from the command line;
  if (request === 'path') {
    console.log('`path` is being required!');

NOTE: at this point request has not yet been resolved. You probably want to resolve it using require.resolve(request) before using it.

It is also important to keep in mind that no further interceptor is called if one of them returns a truthy value:

barney.intercept('foo', function () {
  return 'foo';
barney.intercept('foo', function () {
  console.log('This will never be logged...');
// No log message is printed...

NOTE: generic interceptors (interceptors not attached to a specific module) are always executed before module-specific interceptors.


Hooks are static values that should be returned for specific modules. It has almost the same effect as returning a value from an interceptor:

var assert = require('assert');
var xhrStub = sinon.stub();
// Replace the `xhr` module with a stub
barney.hook('xhr', xhrStub);
var xhr = require('xhr');
assert.equal(xhr, xhrStub);

NOTE: Hooks differ from interceptors as they are called only after all interceptors have been run:

barney.intercept('foo', function () {
  return 'foo';

barney.hook('foo', 'bar');

// Note that the interceptor has higher priority over hooks
assert.equal(require('foo'), 'foo);
assert.notEqual(require('foo'), 'bar');


This is an overview of the priorities when loading a module:

  1. all generic interceptors are executed;
  2. if none returns a truthy value, all module-specific interceptors are executed;
  3. if no value has been returned yet, we check if a static hook is registered for the requested module;
  4. if no value is found, we hand the request over to the original loader function;

Restoring & cleaning up

After you are done messing with the require() function, you can deactivate barney and restore the original loader using barney.restore(). This keeps all interceptors and hooks in place.

After restoring the original require() function, you can hook it again calling barney.hook() (without params).

To clear all hooks and interceptors, you can use barney.reset(). Or you can specify a module to be cleared: barney.reset('foo').

In case you need to force the original loader to reload a module (require() caches the loaded modules), you can do so using barney.unload('foo').


NOTE: all methods are chainable unless stated otherwise.


Activates barney's hooks. This is automatically called the first time barney is required.


Or barney.unhook()

Restores the original require() method. Hooks and interceptors are kept. See barney.reset() for removing hooks and interceptors.

barney.hook(module, value)

Sets the hooked value for the given module. Future calls to require(module) will return value (unless an interceptor returns a different value).

barney.intercept(function[, index])

Adds a generic interceptor to the stack. The interceptor will be executed for all future calls to require() (for all modules). If it returns a truthy value, that will be the value returned by require().

If index is defined, the interceptor will be inserted at the given index.

Interceptors cannot be added twice.

barney.intercept(module, function[, index])

Same as the previous, but adds the interceptor to a specific module.


Or barney.skip(module)

Loads the module using the original require() function (skips all hooks and interceptors).


Removes all hooks and interceptors. If a module is defined, removes hooks and interceptors for that module only.


Removes the cached value for module from the original require() cache.


Not chainable

Returns true if barney is hooked into require().


Not chainable if called without args

If a module is defined, adds an interceptor that will throw a MODULE_NOT_FOUND error.


If called without arguments (or with more than one argument), throws a MODULE_NOT_FOUND error to help simulating missing modules.

barney.intercept('foo', barney.notFound);


Hooking a module for testing

This uses sinon-chai and mocha:

var barney = require('barney');
var sinon = require('sinon');
var chai = require('chai');
var xhrStub = sinon.stub();
// During tests, if we believe a module is well tested enough, we may just
// make sure that it is used as expected, avoiding actually calling them
// in order to simplify our tests.
// In this example, we can avoid the actual HTTP request that the `xhr` module
// would make by using a stub and could make some tests synchronous.
barney.hook('xhr', xhrStub);
// All `require('xhr')` in `myModule` will now use the `xhrStub` instead of
// the actual `xhr` module.
var myModule = require('./my-module');
describe('myModule', function () {
  after(function () {
  describe('.load(url, callback)', function () {
    it('calls the callback on success', function () {
      // `xhr`'s original signature is `xhr(config, callback)`, so we make the
      // stub call the second argument (index 1) passed to it...
      xhrStub.callArgWith(1, null, {status: 200});
      var callback = sinon.stub();
      myModule.load('./foo/bar/baz.json', callback);


This is an open source project released under the MIT license terms.

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