An Apollo Gateway plugin/helper that helps you to import your subgraphs directly from your Cosmo execution config and compose it into a supergraph sdl. It supports multiple import methods, including:
- Config File Watcher
- CDN Polling
- S3 Polling
import { ApolloGateway } from '@apollo/gateway';
import { ApolloServer } from '@apollo/server';
import { startStandaloneServer } from '@apollo/server/standalone';
// 1. Import Schema Loader
import { SchemaLoader } from '@wundergraph/cosmo-to-apollo-schema';
// 2. Configure with file, cdn or s3
const cosmoSchemaLoader = new SchemaLoader({
filePath: './cosmo-config.json',
// 3. Pass it to the gateway subgraphSdl
const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
supergraphSdl: cosmoSchemaLoader.supergraphSdl,
const server = new ApolloServer({
At least one of CDN, S3 or file path must be provided.
SchemaLoaderOptions {
cdn?: CDNOptions;
s3?: S3Options;
filePath?: string;
/*** Defaults to 15000 (15 seconds) */
pollInterval?: number;
Poll the CDN for config file. The default interval is 15 seconds.
interface CDNOptions {
endpoint?: string;
token: string;
signatureKey?: string;
: The url to the cdn. (default
: The token for your Federated Graph. You can generate one with the token create command.
: The optional signature key is the one used to sign your config in your admission server.
Once you have a token generated using wgc router token create your_graph_name
, you can use it in your environment file (.env
) as shown below. This fetches from cosmo cloud as the default. Feel free to specify a signatureKey
if you have configured admission.
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { ApolloGateway } from '@apollo/gateway';
import { ApolloServer } from '@apollo/server';
import { startStandaloneServer } from '@apollo/server/standalone';
import { SchemaLoader } from '@wundergraph/cosmo-to-apollo-schema';
// Fetches from Cosmo Cloud CDN by default
const cosmoSchemaLoader = new SchemaLoader({
cdn: {
// Token for your federated graph on cosmo.
token: process.env.GRAPH_TOKEN,
pollInterval: 3000,
const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
supergraphSdl: cosmoSchemaLoader.supergraphSdl,
const server = new ApolloServer({
startStandaloneServer(server).then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);
The plugin watches for any config file changes for the provided path and updates the sdl accordingly.
filePath: string;
Poll your S3 bucket for the execution config. The default interval is 15 seconds.
interface S3Options {
endpoint: string;
port?: number;
accessKey: string;
secretKey: string;
region?: Region;
secure?: boolean;
bucketName: string;
objectPath: string;