
1.0.3 • Public • Published


soundworks plugin that checks the availability of features required by the application, and their initialization. It also provides an entry point to the features that may require a user gesture (e.g. clicking on the screen to resume an audio context). The plugin can also be used to simply add a splash screen to the application.

Table of Contents


npm install @soundworks/plugin-platform --save


A working example can be found in the example repository.


Server installation

Registering the plugin

// index.js
import { Server } from '@soundworks/core/server';
import pluginPlatformFactory from '@soundworks/plugin-platform/server';

const server = new Server();
server.pluginManager.register('platform', pluginPlatformFactory, {}, []);

Requiring the plugin

// MyExperience.js
import { AbstractExperience } from '@soundworks/core/server';

class MyExperience extends AbstractExperience {
  constructor(server, clientType) {
    super(server, clientType);
    // require plugin in the experience
    this.platform = this.require('platform');

Client installation

Registering the plugin

// index.js
import { Client } from '@soundworks/core/client';
import pluginPlatformFactory from '@soundworks/plugin-platform/client';

const client = new Client();
const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
const audioContext = new AudioContext();

client.pluginManager.register('platform', pluginPlatformFactory, {
  features: [
    ['web-audio', audioContext],
}, []);

Requiring the plugin

// MyExperience.js
import { Experience } from '@soundworks/core/client';

class MyExperience extends Experience {
  constructor(client) {
    // require plugin in the experience
    this.platform = this.require('platform');

Adding new features

By default, the plugin only ships the feature dedicated to resuming a given audioContext, however user-defined features can be added for specific use cases (devicemotion permission, etc., see the adding new features section for more informations). This audio-context definition also contains additional checks for weird quirks found in the wild (broken sampleRate on iOS, etc.).

This plugin also tries to wakelock the device using the nosleep.js library.

By default, the soundworks-template ships all the views to interact with the plugin.


The initialization lifecycle of a feature follows these steps:

available --> authorize --> initialize --> finalize

If all the steps of every feature resolves to true the plugin is marked as ready, else it passes an errored state and prevents the application from launching.

Each of these steps can be defined by a function that must return a Promise resolving on true if the lifecyle can continue or false. If the function is not provided, the lifecycle step is simply ignored:

- @param {Object} def - Definition of the feature.
  + @param {String} def.id
  + @param {Function : Promise.resolve(true|false)} [def.available=undefined]
  + @param {Function : Promise.resolve(true|false)} [def.authorize=undefined]
  + @param {Function : Promise.resolve(true|false)} [def.initialize=undefined]
  + @param {Function : Promise.resolve(true|false)} [def.finalize=undefined]

Example - @ircam/devicemotion

For example, requiring permission for motion sensors would lead to the following initialization of the plugin. The example uses the @ircam/devicemotion library, dedicated to providing a consistent interface and behavior across browsers.

// index.js
import { Client } from '@soundworks/core/client';
import pluginPlatformFactory from '@soundworks/plugin-platform/client';
import devicemotion from '@ircam/devicemotion';

const client = new Client();
// register device motion feature
  id: 'devicemotion',
  initialize: async () => {
    const result = await devicemotion.requestPermission();
    return (result === 'granted' ? true : false);

client.pluginManager.register('platform', pluginPlatformFactory, {
  features: [
    ['web-audio', audioContext],
}, []);


The code has been initiated in the framework of the WAVE and CoSiMa research projects, funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR).






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