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2.0.3 • Public • Published


Functional library for type-safe environment variables

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How getValue() works

typed-env is a minimalist, functional TypeScript library for Node.js, focused on type-checked environment variables - that can have a type and a default value, with lightweight notation.

Additionally, the library provides a simplified, typesafe way to explore the nuances of the NODE_ENV environment variable.

Only read access is supported, mainly because in-process modification of environment variables tends to be a discouraged pattern - that can always be achieved by altering process.env; however, the delayed approach adopted by typed-env makes the library compatible with such a dynamic scenario.


npm install @giancosta86/typed-env


yarn add @giancosta86/typed-env


All the recommended features are exported by the index file - and can be imported as usual:

import {...} from @giancosta86/typed-env

getEnv<T>(variable name, mapper[, defaultValue])

The getEnv() function is the very heart of the library - although you will often prefer the utility functions described below.

getEnv() takes 3 parameters:

  • the name of the environment variable - the string that should appear as a key in process.env

  • the mapper - a (string) => T function, mapping the string raw value of the environment variable (if present) into the expected T type

  • an optional default value - a plain T or a () => T function returning a default value; only considered when the environment variable is missing

Its outcomes are summarized in the diagram above, and can be described as follows:

  • if the environment variable exists in process.env, getEnv() returns the result of the mapper function applied to the related string raw value

  • if the environment variable is missing from process.env:

    • when the default value argument is present:

      • if it is a value of type T, it is returned directly by getEnv()

      • if it is a function, it is called with no arguments - and its return value becomes the result of getEnv() as well

      Anyway, the mapper does not intervene

    • when also the default value is missing, a descriptive Error is thrown

Here is a brief example:

const serverPort = getEnv(
  Number, //Minimalist notation for (rawValue) => Number(rawValue)
  8080 //Without a default plain value/function, getEnv() throws if the env var is missing

getEnvNumber(variableName[, defaultValue])

Simplified access to number-based environment variables; in particular, the above example becomes:

const serverPort = getEnvNumber("SERVER_PORT", 8080);

getEnvBoolean(variableName[, defaultValue])

Vastly simplified access to boolean-based environment variables, because:

  • the following raw values of the environment variable are interpreted as true:

    • true
    • t
    • 1
    • the empty string
  • the following raw values are interpreted as false:

    • false
    • f
    • 0
  • the comparison is case-insensitive and does not keep track of leading/trailing whitespace

  • finally, incompatible string values will throw an Error

For example:

const useCache = getEnvBoolean("USE_CACHE", true);

getEnvString(variableName[, defaultValue])

Simplified access to string-based environment variables. For example:

const apiUrl = getEnvString("API_URL", "http://localhost");

NODE_ENV support

typed-env supports the NODE_ENV environment variable via:

  • the getNodeEnv() function, that can accept an optional string or () => string default value

  • the isInProduction() function, taking an optional boolean or () => boolean default value, and summarized as follows:

    How nodeEnv.inProduction.getValue() works

  • the isInJest() function - working just like isInProduction(), but checking for the test value of the NODE_ENV variable

For example, to ascertain whether your app is in Production mode - defaulting to true:

 * This constant will be set to true if:
 * * NODE_ENV is actually set to "production"
 * * NODE_ENV is missing - because of the default value
const inProduction = isInProduction(true);

Similarly, to just log the current NODE_ENV - and defaulting to an empty string:


Additional references

For further usage examples, please consult the Jest test suites, that provide even more detailed - and executable - documentation.

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  • giancosta86