- Highly customizable Windrose (Wind Rose) chart component for React applications
- Built with D3js for powerful, flexible data visualization
- Responsive design with optional auto-sizing
- TypeScript support for improved developer experience
- Inspired by ssmaroju's Wind Rose Plot
npm i @eunchurn/react-windrose
import React from "react";
import { Chart } from "@eunchurn/react-windrose";
const windData = {
chartData: [
angle: "N",
"0-1": 0.5,
"1-2": 1.6,
"2-3": 0.9,
"3-4": 0.9,
"4-5": 0.4,
"5-6": 0.3,
"6-7": 0.2,
"7+": 0.1,
total: 4.9,
// ... more data for other directions
columns: ["angle", "0-1", "1-2", "2-3", "3-4", "4-5", "5-6", "6-7", "7+"],
const App: React.FC = () => (
<div style={{ width: "100%", maxWidth: "800px", margin: "0 auto" }}>
export default App;
Prop | Type | Required | Description | Default |
chartData | ChartData[] |
Yes | Array of wind data objects | |
columns | (keyof ChartData)[] |
Yes | Array of column names | |
width | number |
No | Chart width in pixels | 500 |
height | number |
No | Chart height in pixels | 500 |
responsive | boolean |
No | Enable responsive sizing | false |
legendGap | number |
No | Gap between chart and legend in pixels | 10 |
Note: When responsive
is true, width
and height
props are ignored. The chart will maintain a 1:1 aspect ratio and fit 100% of its parent container's width.
Each object in the chartData array should have the following structure:
interface ChartData {
angle: string;
"0-1": number;
"1-2": number;
"2-3": number;
"3-4": number;
"4-5": number;
"5-6": number;
"6-7": number;
"7+": number;
total: number;
check sample data
Key | Type | Required | Description | Default |
0-1 | number |
Required |
Frequency of 0-1 m/sec | |
1-2 | number |
Required |
Frequency of 1-2 m/sec | |
2-3 | number |
Required |
Frequency of 2-3 m/sec | |
3-4 | number |
Required |
Frequency of 3-4 m/sec | |
4-5 | number |
Required |
Frequency of 4-5 m/sec | |
5-6 | number |
Required |
Frequency of 5-6 m/sec | |
6-7 | number |
Required |
Frequency of 6-7 m/sec | |
7+ | number |
Required |
Frequency of 7+ m/sec | |
angle | string |
Required |
Wind direction N , NNE , NE , ENE , E , ESE , SE , SSE , S , SSW , SW , WSW , W , WNW , NW , NNW
total | number |
Required |
Sum of frequencies of this direction |
: Wind direction (e.g., "N", "NNE", "NE", etc.) -
: Frequency of wind speeds in m/s -
: Sum of all frequencies for this direction
Converts raw wind data to the required ChartData format:
import { calculateWindRose } from "@eunchurn/react-windrose";
const rawData = {
direction: [270, 256, 240, ...], // wind directions in degrees
speed: [1.02, 0.85, 0.98, ...] // wind speeds in m/s
const windRoseData = calculateWindRose(rawData);
- Wind Rose data can be converted by Wind direction(degree) and wind speed data:
{direction: number[], speed: number[]}
todata: ChartData[]
import { caculateWindRose } from "@eunchurn/react-windrose";
const data = {
direction: [270, 256, 240,...],
speed: [ 1.02, 0.85, 0.98,...]
const windRoseData = calculateWindRose(data);
// Return
// [
// {
// angle: 'N',
// '0-1': 0,
// '1-2': 0,
// '2-3': 0,
// '3-4': 0,
// '4-5': 0,
// '5-6': 0,
// '6-7': 0,
// '7+': 0,
// total: 0
// },
// {
// angle: 'NNE',
// '0-1': 0,
// '1-2': 0,
// '2-3': 0,
// '3-4': 0,
// '4-5': 0,
// '5-6': 0,
// '6-7': 0,
// '7+': 0,
// total: 0
// },
// ...
// ]
Classifies a wind direction in degrees to a cardinal or intercardinal direction:
import { classifyDir } from "@eunchurn/react-windrose";
const direction = classifyDir(270);
console.log(direction); // Output: "W"
The component can be used with real-time data by updating the chartData
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Chart, calculateWindRose } from "@eunchurn/react-windrose";
const RealTimeWindRose: React.FC = () => {
const [windData, setWindData] = useState<ChartData[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
// Fetch new wind data from your API
const newData = await fetchWindDataFromAPI();
const processedData = calculateWindRose(newData);
const interval = setInterval(fetchData, 5000); // Update every 5 seconds
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, []);
return <Chart chartData={windData} columns={/* your columns */} responsive />;
This component is tested and supported in the latest versions of:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.