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1.0.3 • Public • Published

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What is ObjectHandlebars?

ObjectHandlebars is a handlebars templating library for use on object properties. It is a single function that resolves handlebar expressions relative to the current object.

For example;

import {render} from '@reactgular/object-handlebars';

const data = {
  first: 'John',
  last: 'Smith',
  fullName: '{{first}} {{last}}'

console.log(render(data)); // prints {first: "John", last: "Smith", fullName: "John Smith"}


To get started, install the package from npm.

npm install --save @reactgular/object-handlebars


ObjectHandlerbars is a function that takes the context object, filters and recursion depth as parameters. It does not directly modify the context object, but instead returns a deep clone.

You can install the library with npm install @reactgular/object-handlebars and import the main function.

// using TypeScript
import {render} from '@reactgular/object-handlebars';

// using NodeJS
const objectHandlebars = require('@reactgular/object-handlebars');

Function Signature

You can call the ObjectHandlebars function with a single object parameter, and it returns a deep clone of that object with all string properties rendered with handlebars.

// function definition for ObjectHandlebars
export type render = <TType>(obj: TType, filters: Filters = {}, maxDepth: number = 100) => TType;

// filter functions
export type Filter = (s: string) => string;
export interface Filters { [key: string]: Filter;}

Basic Usage

Object properties that are strings will be rendered as basic handlebar templates.

import {render} from '@reactgular/object-handlebars';

console.log(render({a: "one", b: "{{a}}"})); // prints {a: "one", b: "one"}


You can pass a map of filter functions. A filter function takes a single argument of a string and returns a string. Filters can be chained together in a handlebars expression like this {{property|filterA|filterB|filterC}}.

import {render} from '@reactgular/object-handlebars';

const upper = (s) => s.toUppercase();
console.log(render({a: "one", b: "{{a|upper}}"}, {upper})); // prints {a: "one", b: "ONE"}

Dot notation

Handlebar expressions can use dot notation to reference nested values, but the path is always from the top of the context object.

import {render} from '@reactgular/object-handlebars';

const data = {
    person: {
        first: "John",
        last: "Smith"
    fullName: "{{person.first}} {{person.last}}"

console.log(render(data)); // prints {person: {first: "John", last: "Smith"}, fullName: "John Smith"}

Array of objects

ObjectHandlebars will render any nested objects found in arrays.

import {render} from '@reactgular/object-handlebars';

const data = {
    person: {first: "John", last: "Smith"},
    values: ["{{person.first}}", "{{person.last}}"],
    objects: [
        {fullName: "{{person.first}} {{person.last}}"}

// prints 
// {
//    person: {first: "John", last: "Smith"}
//    values: ["John", "Smith"],
//    objects: [{fullName: "John Smith"}]
// }

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