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2.0.0-alpha.1 • Public • Published


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This package is a plugin for DApps on Flow blockchain that already use FCL. It enables users to log in in through popular social login providers such as Google, Facebook, Discord and others. With a couple of lines of code, allow your users to onboard more easily through social login of their choice and keep your FCL integration untouched. A "Kitty Items" demo app using this lib is deployed at https://walletless.nu.fi/ and here you can find more about Web3Auth, the service powering this package.

Walletless FCL 1mb


  1. An existing project using FCL authentication
  2. Create a web3auth account (currently, there's a free plan available) and set up a Plug n Play project there. Choose your project name, pick environment (network parameter), for "Chain" select "Any other chain". You will get a client id specific your application. More info in Web3Auth docs


npm install @nufi/fcl-web3auth-plugin


yarn add @nufi/fcl-web3auth-plugin

API Reference

init(args: InitArgs): void

Initialize the package with the specified arguments. This method in the background initialized the Web3Auth integration with the Plug n Play project. It will perform the user login through the OpenLogin adapter. More info can be found in Web3Auth docs

  • clientId: The client ID for authentication. Create a web3auth account (it's free) and create a project. Choose your project name, pick environment (network parameter), for "Chain" select "Any other chain". You will get a client id specific your application.
  • network: The Web3AuthNetwork to connect to (mainnet, testnet, or any other Web3Auth network, not to be confused with Flow blockchain mainnet/testnet!)
  • mfaLevel (optional): The MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) level. Default: 'none'.
  • uxMode (optional): The UX (User Experience) mode. Default: 'popup'.

NOTE: call this function basically as soon as possible, ideally in a useEffect or somewhere else when the window object is available


export default function MyApp() {
  useEffect(() => {
      clientId: 'your_key'
      networkType: 'testnet',
  }, [])
  return <App />

auth(args?: AuthArgs): Promise<void>

Authenticate the user.

  • args (optional): An object specifying the authentication arguments.
    • If args contains a loginProviderWhiteList property, the user will be shown a login modal with the specified login providers (ordered the same as in the passed array).
    • If args are undefined, the user will be shown a login modal with all login options.


In case you want to use the default UI

import {auth} from 'fcl-web3auth-plugin'
  <button onClick={() => auth()}>
    Log in

authWithProvider(loginProvider: Web3AuthLoginProvider): Promise<void>

Authenticate the user with the selected login provider.

  • user will be authenticated using the specified Web3AuthLoginProvider.

In case you want to use your own UI

import {auth, loginProviders} from 'fcl-web3auth-plugin'
  {loginProviders.map(({loginProvider, name}) => {
    return (
      <button onClick={() => auth(loginProvider)}>

loginProviders: Web3AuthLoginProvider[]

An array of available login providers. Handy if you want to have your own UI for the login options or if you want display more info about them.

setCallbacks(callbacks: Partial<WalletActionsCallbacks>): void

Configure the package with the specified callbacks.

  • callbacks: An object containing partial implementations of the WalletActionsCallbacks interface.
  • This callbacks allow you to call you own actions instead of the default ones:
    • when an account is being created, (which might take a while and for this reason a default loading overlay is provided)
    • when signing transactions

NOTE: calling setCallbacks is optional, in case you are fine with using the default UI you do not need to call it


If you want to disable confirm popup

import {setCallbacks} from 'fcl-web3auth-plugin'
  confirmSign: (onSign) => {
    return onSign()

experimentalLinkAccount(args: LinkAccountArgs): Promise<string>

Experimental feature, not production ready, waiting for the official standard for hybrid custody to be finalized

  • submits two transaction, first a child account (Web3Auth account) publishes its auth account capability to the parent address, then the parent (a regular wallet like NuFi, Lilico) submits a transaction claiming the capability

Key derivation

The keys are derived according to FLIP-200

  • get entropy from web3auth
  • create mnemonic from entropy using bip39 (this ensures portability of the account to NuFi wallet even without account-linking)
  • get seed from mnemonic
  • derive bip32 keypair using m/44'/539'/0'/0/0 path
  • use secp256k1 derivation curve
  • use SHA2 hashing algorithm


Check KittyItems demo app here. Check the repo here


Install dependencies:

yarn install

Build the package:

yarn build

Validate types:

yarn test:tsc

Run linter:

yarn lint


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.




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npm i @nufi/fcl-web3auth-plugin



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  • andrejzelonka
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  • refi93