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0.1.4 • Public • Published


A simple pre-processor for TypeScript files using syntax simular to the C preprocessor

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This package provides a simple pre-processor which can be run against your TypeScript files using single line comments to comment out the code which does not "pass" the pre-processor directives. The comments include additional details about why the line(s) where commented out and these comments are also used to identify and revert your source files back to the original form.

It also has a configuration file which can use used to switch the definition state to enable building multiple variants from a single common source file, or to enable exposing debug hooks only during a debug build.


Directives may be nested, so multiple states may be evaluated to true or false and cause the different flow of control to be used.

Each directive conforms to the following regex ^(\s*)\/\/\s{0,1}#([^:].*)$, where all directives must be preceeded by only spaces and are included in standard single line comment, and the directive may have at most 1 single space.

Directive = "#" ("if" | "ifdef" | "ifndef" | "else" | "elif" | "endif" | "define" | "undef") DirectiveBody;

DirectiveBody = { Any } [ ":" Comment ];

Any = ? any character except newline or ":" ?;

Comment = ? any character except newline ?;
// #<Directive>
// #<Directive>:<Comment>


Evaluates the provided expression, the expression can be any valid JavaScript boolean operation. The expression may include

Each directive must be ended with the //#endif otherwise the state will apply to the end of the current file.

//#if Expression



Evaluates whether the defined name exists, this does not evaluate the value of the definition only whether it has been defined. Even if the value is an empty string this will still evaluate to true.

Each directive must be ended with the //#endif otherwise the state will apply to the end of the current file.

//#ifdef VALUE



Evaluates whether the defined name does not exists, the value is not used only the presence or absence of the defined name..

Each directive must be ended with the //#endif otherwise the state will apply to the end of the current file.

//#ifndef VALUE



This directive may be used during the evaluation of #ifdef, #ifndef or #if and will apply to the most recent instance and effectively negates the previous state, if placed after an #endif then it will apply to the previous outer evaluation.

//#ifdef SOME_DEF
console.log("Some Def")
console.log("Some def not defined");

//#ifdef VALUE1
console.log("value 1");
//#ifdef VALUE2
console.log("value 2");
console.log("not value 2");


This directive is only evaluated if the preceeding #if, #ifdef or #ifndef evaluates to false at which point the Expression is evaluated.

//#ifdef VALUE1
console.log("value 1");
//#elif VALUE2
console.log("value 2");
console.log("not value 2");


This directive is used to terminate any previous #if, #ifdef or #ifndef.

See previous examples for the usage.


This directive is used to define (or overwrite) any previous definition.

//#define NEW_VALUE 1


This directive is used to un-define (remove) the named definition.

Configuration file

The configuration may define:

  • Groups of source folders
  • Named sets of definitions which can contain pre-defined defined values.
  • Identifies the default Group and identified definitions.

The configuration file may include single line comments

// ------------------------------
// Pre-processing group definitions
// ------------------------------
    "repoRoot": "../../..",
    "default": {
        "group": "ts-async",        // The source group
        "definition": "prod"        // comma separated list of definition groups
    "groups": {
        "ts-async": [
    "definitions": {
        "prod": {
        "debug": {
            "DEBUG": true
        "test": {
            "TEST": true


//#ifdef DEBUG
import { _debugLog } from "./debug";

//#ifdef TEST
//#define NOT_TEST 1
//#undef TEST_MODE
//#elif DEBUG
//#define TEST_MODE 1

//#ifndef DEBUG
console.log("Not in debug mode)

When processed and the evaluations are evaluated as false all lines of the code between the if directive and the #endif will include a comment indicating why the code was "removed" (commented out)

//#ifdef DEBUG
//#:(!DEBUG) import { _debugLog } from "./debug";

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