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0.4.10 • Public • Published

FAST Router

License: MIT npm version

The fast-router package contains a history-based navigation and routing solution designed around web components. By using fast-router, you can create multi-page and full application experiences.


From NPM

To install the fast-router library, use either npm or yarn as follows:

npm install --save @microsoft/fast-router
yarn add @microsoft/fast-router

Within your JavaScript or TypeScript code, you can then import library APIs like this:

import { FASTRouter } from '@microsoft/fast-router';

Looking for a setup that integrates with a particular front-end framework or bundler? Check out our integration docs.

From CDN

A pre-bundled script that contains all APIs needed to use FAST Router and FAST Element is available on CDN. You can use this script by adding type="module" to the script element and then importing from the CDN.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <script type="module">
          import { FASTRouter } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@microsoft/fast-router/dist/fast-router.min.js";

          // your code here
    <!-- ... -->

The markup above always references the latest release. When deploying to production, you will want to ship with a specific version. Here's an example of the markup for that:

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@microsoft/fast-router@0.2.11/dist/fast-router.min.js"></script>

:::note For simplicity, examples throughout the documentation will assume the library has been installed from NPM, but you can always replace the import location with the CDN URL. :::

Configuration at a Glance

A Sample Route Configuration

import { RouterConfiguration, Route } from '@microsoft/fast-router';
import { HomeScreen } from './home';
import { AccountLogin } from './account/login';
import { AccountSignup } from './account/signup';
import { ConfirmEmail } from './account/confirm-email';
import { Session } from './account/session';
import { AccountSettings } from './account/settings';
import { StoreArea } from './store/store-area';
import { NotFound } from './not-found';
import { pageLayout } from './layouts/page-layout';
import { anonymousLayout } from './layouts/anonymous-layout';

type RouteSettings = {
  public?: boolean

export class AppRouterConfiguration extends RouterConfiguration<RouteSettings> {
  public configure() {
    this.title = 'My App';
    this.defaultLayout = pageLayout;
      { path: '', redirect: 'home' },
      { path: 'home', title: 'Home', element: HomeScreen },
        path: 'account', 
        layout: anonymousLayout, 
        title: 'Account',
        settings: { public: true }, 
        children: [
          { path: "login", title: 'Login', element: AccountLogin, name: 'login' },
          { path: 'signup' title: 'Signup', element: AccountSignup },
          { path: 'confirm/{confirmation:Confirmation}', title: 'Confirm', element: ConfirmEmail },
          { path: 'settings', title: 'Settings', element: AccountSettings, layout: pageLayout, settings: { public: false } },
      { path: 'store', title: 'Store', element: StoreArea, childRouters: true },
      { path: 'not-found', title: 'Not Found', element: NotFound }

      () => Session.isLoggedIn
        ? { redirect: 'not-found' }
        : { redirect: 'login' }

    this.routes.converter("Confirmation", async (confirmationId) => {
      // ...fetch confirmation from web service...
      return confirmation;

      navigate(phase) {
        const settings = phase.route.settings;
        if (settings && settings.public) {
        if (Session.loggedIn) {
        phase.cancel(() => {
          Session.returnUrl = Route.path.current;
          Route.name.replace(phase.router, 'login');

Using the Configuration with a Router

import { FASTElement, customElement, html, css } from '@microsoft/fast-element';
import { FASTRouter } from '@microsoft/fast-router';
import { AppRouterConfiguration } from './routes';


const template = html<MainApplication>`
    <fast-router :config=${x => x.routerConfiguration}></fast-router>

const styles = css`
  :host {
    contain: content;

  :host, fast-router {  
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

  name: 'main-application',
export class MainApplication extends FASTElement {
  routerConfiguration = new AppRouterConfiguration();




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  • eisenbergeffect
  • chrisdholt
  • nirice
  • awentzel
  • microsoft1es
  • fastsvc
  • janechu