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17.0.0 • Public • Published

Drag And Drop

Use this library if you need a simple drag and drop solution. The library will return a list of files File[].

npm version

🛠 Installation

  • With npm: npm i --save @elemental-concept/drag-and-drop

Add DragAndDropModule to your Module imports section.

import { DragAndDropModule } from '@elemental-concept/drag-and-drop';

  imports: [
export class TestModule {

📖 Usage

  • To use the drag and drop you need to add <drag-and-drop> into your template.
  • This component accepts multiple as flag (by default true) to allow multiple files upload or single file upload.
  • The file browser allow only one file at the time.

When files are dropped into the dropZone the @Output fileDropped will send a File[] object as event.

<drag-and-drop (fileDropped)="onFileUpload($event)">
    Drag and drop your files
    Click to browse your files

<div class="files-list" *ngIf="files.length > 0">
  <h4>List of file names</h4>
  <div class="file" *ngFor="let fileName of files">{{  fileName }}</div>
  selector: 'app-drag-and-drop-page',
  template: './drag-and-drop-page.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./drag-and-drop-page.component.scss']
export class DragAndDropPageComponent {
  files: string[] = [];

  onFileUpload = (files: File[]) => {
    this.files = files.map(file => file.name);

The component contain a hidden input and uses the dropZone directive in the main container. Inside the main container there's a <ng-content></ng-content> to allow any kind of info presentation.


To change the css style just use css variables into your main style.scss file. Here you can find the default values:

:root {
  --drag-and-drop-height: auto;
  --drag-and-drop-width: 400px;
  --drag-and-drop-padding: 12px 16px;
  --drag-and-drop-border: dashed 1px #6091dc;
  --drag-and-drop-margin: 0 auto;
  --drag-and-drop-background: #a0cee0;

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npm i @elemental-concept/drag-and-drop

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  • ecdavid
  • aux
  • simke2090