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0.9.5 • Public • Published

Angular Form.io Editor Component

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This Angular component provides Form.io builder and renderer integrated with json editor.

It works with latest Angular 9.


<formio-editor [form]="form" [options]="options"></formio-editor>

Try the Live Demos: Demo Dev and Demo Stable

In case the live demo goes down for whatever reason, the component is supposed to look somewhat like this (click any image to enlarge it):

formio-editor-builder formio-editor-json-code
formio-editor-json-tree formio-editor-renderer


To install this library with npm, run below command:

$ npm install --save angular-formio jsoneditor ngx-bootstrap @angular/elements @davebaol/angular-formio-editor

Yes, you have to install 5 packages!!! 😱

Having in mind the dependency graph can be useful for choosing the version of the various packages for your application. 😉

Peer dependency graph 👈

Peer dependencies graph


To use this component in your Angular application follow the steps below:

1️⃣ Import Angular module FormioEditorModule as below:

import { FormioEditorModule } from '@davebaol/angular-formio-editor'; 

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

2️⃣ Setup your component models as below:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FormioEditorOptions } from '@davebaol/angular-formio-editor';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <div class="content" role="main">
      <div class="col-10 m-4">
        <formio-editor [form]="form" [options]="options"></formio-editor>
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
  form: any;
  options: FormioEditorOptions;

  constructor() {
    this.form = {
      display: 'form',
      components: []
    this.options = {
      builder: {
        hideDisplaySelect: true,
        output: {
          change: (event) => console.log('Demo: builder change event:', event),
      json: {
        changePanelLocations: ['top', 'bottom'],
        input: {
          options: {
            modes: ['code', 'tree', 'view'], // set allowed modes
            mode: 'view' // set default mode
      renderer: {
        input: {
          options: {
            src: 'http://localhost:8765/api/v1/documents',
            renderOptions: { breadcrumbSettings: { clickable: true } }

3️⃣ For better styling, add the lines below to your main style.css file

@import "./styles/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css";
@import '~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css';
@import "~jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.min.css";
@import "~@davebaol/angular-formio-editor/styles.css";

Note that this library only needs the .css from bootstrap, not the .js, since ngx-bootstrap is used internally. So you don't have necessarily to add bootstrap and its peer dependency jQuery.

4️⃣ Troubleshooting

  • If during ng build execution you encounter this error
    Generating ES5 bundles for differential loading...
    An unhandled exception occurred: Call retries were exceeded
    make sure you're using node 12+. If this does not work for you then try the other possible solutions mentioned here.


The component supports the input arguments form, options and reset described below:

  • form
    This is a regular form defined by the form.io framework. The component modifies this argument in place.
  • options
    The options have 3 properties, one for each tab of the component: builder, json, renderer. Open the spoilers to see the details.
    • options.builder 👈
        // Whether to hide the builder tab or not. Defaults to false.
        hideTab: false,
        // Specify if the builder is the active tab at component startup. Defaults to true. 
        defaultTab: true,
        // Whether to hide or not the embedded select to change the form display. Defaults to false. 
        hideDisplaySelect: false,
        // Input and output arguments of the component <formio-builder>.
        // Refer to the official documentation.
        input: {},
        output: {}
    • options.json 👈
        // Whether to hide the json tab or not. Defaults to false.
        hideTab: false,
        // Specify if json is the active tab at component startup. Defaults to false.
        defaultTab: false,
        // The locations relative to the json editor where to show the panel
        // for applying json changes to the form. Defaults to ['top', 'bottom'].
        changePanelLocations: ['top', 'bottom'],
        // Input arguments of the component <json-editor>.
        input: {
          // Note that these options are only intended as a component setup at creation-time.
          options: {
            // Whether to expand or not all nodes in tree mode. This is an additional option
            // not supported by the original jsoneditor. Defaults to false.
            expandAll: false,
            // Other options supported by the original jsoneditor.
            // See jsoneditor API documentation at the link below
            // https://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor/blob/master/docs/api.md#configuration-options
        // Output arguments of the component <json-editor>.
        output: {
          dataChange: (event: any) => {}
          dataError: (event: any) => {}
    • options.renderer 👈
        // Whether to hide the renderer tab or not. Defaults to false.
        hideTab: false,
        // Specify if renderer is the active tab at component startup. Defaults to false.
        defaultTab: false,
        // Configuration of the submission panel.
        submissionPanel: {
          // Whether to show the submission panel or not. Default to false.
          disabled: false,
          // Whether to initially show full or partial submission. Default to false.
          fullSubmission: false,
          // The json editor of the submitted resource.
          resourceJsonEditor: {
            // Input and output arguments of this component <json-editor>.
            // See options.json.input and options.json.output above.
            input: {},
            output: {}
          // The json editor of the json schema for the submitted resource
          schemaJsonEditor: {
            // Whether to show or not the schema json editor. Defaults to false.
            enabled: true,
            // Input and output arguments of this component <json-editor>.
            // See options.json.input and options.json.output above.
            input: {},
            output: {}
        // Input and output arguments of the component <formio> that renders the form.
        // Refer to the official documentation.
        input: {},
        output: {}
  • reset
    An Observable<void> to reset the component.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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  • davebaol