
1.0.1 • Public • Published

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http is a utility for simplifying response handling when using aws lambda functions with the http event proxy.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation and Usage
  2. Examples

Installation and Usage

Prerequisites: Node.js >=8, npm version 6+.

You can install the http module using npm:

$ npm install @aws-lambda/http --save

Response Examples

AWS Lambda handler response with JSON body and header

const Response = require("@aws-lambda/http").Response;

module.exports.hello = async event => {
  return new Response()
                .body({"message" : "hello world!"})
                .header("x-api-version", "1.0")

Adding HTTP security headers to response (alternative to Lambda@Edge + CloudFront)

const HTTP = require("@aws-lambda/http");
const Response = HTTP.Response;

module.exports.hello = async event => {
  return new Response()
                .body({"message" : "hello world!"})
                .header("x-api-version", "1.0")

Adding cookie to response

const HTTP = require("@aws-lambda/http");
const Response = HTTP.Response;
const Cookie = HTTP.Cookie;

module.exports.hello = async event => {
  return new Response()
                .body({"message" : "hello world!"})
                .header("x-api-version", "1.0")
                .cookie(new Cookie("SSID", "ubmHxGlgi71l8ayOMw9f6wknjGv2FwDKLt")))

Adding secure cookie to response

const HTTP = require("@aws-lambda/http");
const Response = HTTP.Response;
const Cookie = HTTP.Cookie;

module.exports.hello = async event => {
  return new Response()
                .body({"message" : "hello world!"})
                .header("x-api-version", "1.0")
                .cookie(Cookie.Secure("SSID", "ubmHxGlgi71l8ayOMw9f6wknjGv2FwDKLt"))

Adding multiple cookies to response

const HTTP = require("@aws-lambda/http");
const Response = HTTP.Response;
const Cookie = HTTP.Cookie;

module.exports.hello = async event => {
  return new Response()
                .body({"message" : "hello world!"})
                .header("x-api-version", "1.0")
                  Cookie.Secure("SSID", "ubmHxGlgi71l8ayOMw9f6wknjGv2FwDKLt"),
                  Cookie.Secure("secret", "shhhhh").expireInMinutes(15),
                  new Cookie("lang", "en").path("/docs")

Package Sidebar


npm i @aws-lambda/http

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  • bravecloud