
1.0.43 • Public • Published

Preparing for end of Axway

👇   support for Amplify Cloud and Mobile   👇

RIP Axway Amplify Titanium (2010 - 2022)

🪦   RIP Axway Amplify Titanium (2010 - 2022)

🪦   RIP Axway Amplify Cloud Services (2012 - 2022)

🪦   RIP Axway Amplify Crash Analytics (2015 - 2022)

🛑    Axway support for Amplify products has ended for most products related to mobile and cloud.

A few of the open-source versions of Axway Amplify products will live on after Axway Amplify End-of-Life (EOL) announcements. However, all closed-source projects and most open-source projects are now dead.


👉    A group of Axway employees, ex-Axway employees, and some developers from Titanium community have created a legal org and now officially decide all matters related to future of these products.




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alloy+ plugin: npm

aplus-npm logo

(breaking changes may be introduced before 1.0.0 release)

@aplus/npm version @aplus/npm downloads @aplus/npm dependencies


Why should I use this plugin?

Alloy+ plugin underscore is a plugin for executing npm during the Appelerator Alloy build process. You can use this plugin to install or update npm packages necessary for your Appcelerator Alloy mobile project.

What is Alloy+?

Alloy+ is an entire framework built around Appcelerator Mobile and their Alloy product. The idea for this framework was built upon the concepts of MobileHero Adamantium and a desire to customize and extend Appcelerator Alloy for developers. How much faster or stronger all depends on YOU, the developer.

There will be an assortment of alloy+ plugins (available as npm modules) that you can install in your project to help you take your existing development tools furthur than possible today. You can choose which modules are executed in your config.json file (which is part of your Alloy project). You can also easily create your own plugins by simply creating a npm module that follows a simple convention.


All modules should be installed in the root directory of your Appcelerator mobile project (the directory containing tiapp.xml).

Alloy+ plugins are executed by Alloy+ Core. You can install that by itself or bundled with several Alloy+ plugins.

Install Alloy+ Core only

npm version

npm install --save @aplus/core

Install Alloy+ Bundle 📦

npm version

npm install --save @aplus/bundle

Installing this plugin

All modules should be installed in the root directory of your Appcelerator mobile project (the directory containing tiapp.xml).

npm version

npm install --save @aplus/npm


To use this installed plugin in your app, merge the following to your app's config.json file:

		"tasks": [ "@aplus/npm" ]

By default, the command will run npm install in the lib directory of your Appcelerator project.

To run a different command, see the examples below.

You will have some Alloy objects available for use as templated code.

Most often, you will probably want to run these in the preload stage of the Alloy build process so that any changes done by this plugin can get picked up before copying files over to the build folder.


Install packages in lib directory
    "tasks": [ "@aplus/npm" ]

Update packages in lib directory

"tasks": [
			"module": "@aplus/npm",
			"dirname": "${event.dir.lib}",
			"args": ["install"]

Install (and save) bluebird package in lib directory

"tasks": [
			"module": "@aplus/npm",
			"dirname": "${event.dir.lib}",
			"args": ["install", "@mobile/bluebird", "--save"]

Other Alloy+ Plugins

Coming Soon! 📣

  • babel: Run babel transformations on your code during the build process
  • es6: Use ES6/ES2015 code in your apps via babel transformations!
  • node: Make require statements in your app support nodejs packages installed via npm
  • npm: Execute npm during the Alloy build process
  • underscore: Fix some issues with the usage of underscore in Alloy and allow upgrading to lodash

You can also search for more plugins developed by the community.

Need Help?

Please submit an issue on GitHub and provide information about your setup.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. This means you have full access to the source code and can modify it to fit your own needs. See the license.md file.


Superhero Studios Incorporated and this project are in no way affiliated with any of the following companies:

  • Appcelerator, Inc
  • Axway Inc
  • Apple Inc
  • Google Inc

Alloy is developed by Appcelerator and the community and is Copyright (c) 2012 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Alloy is made available under the Apache Public License, version 2. See their license file for more information.

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npm i @aplus/npm

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