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class_proxy - a transparent proxy class for Python





class_proxy can be used to create simple proxy objects for any value. The proxy can be any class.

For example, lets say that we have a parser and need to be able to tell where a value came from (source file name, line number and column). We might have a Source class handling this information:

class Source(object):
    def __init__(self, filename, line, column):
        self.filename = filename
        self.line = line
        self.column = column

    def __str__(self):
        return "file {}, line {}, column {}".format(
            self.filename, self.line, self.column

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Source({!r}, {!r}, {!r})".format(
            self.filename, self.line, self.column

If we attach this source to some class we control, there is no problem. But what if we want to tell where an integer, string or any scalar, builtin came from?

The solution is to make a wrapper for the scalar classes:

import class_proxy

class SourceValue(object):
    def __init__(self, source):
        self.source = source

    def __str__(self):
        return "{} (from {})".format(
            class_proxy.instance(self), self.source

    def __repr__(self):
        return "SourceValue({!r}, {!r})".format(
            class_proxy.instance(self), self.source

IntProxy = class_proxy.wrap_with(int, SourceValue)
StrProxy = class_proxy.wrap_with(str, SourceValue)

number = IntProxy(123, Source('example', 1, 2))
print(number)  # will print: 1 (from file example, line 1, column 2)

string = StrProxy('hello', Source('example', 5, 7))
print(repr(number))  # will print: hello (from file example, line 5, column 7)

other_number = IntProxy(456, Source('example', 7, 8))
print(number < other_number)  # will print: True

The class_proxy.instance call will return the original, wrapped instance for the proxy.

The class_proxy.wrap_with call will create a proxy class expecting the wrapped value as the first parameter, while the remaining parameters are passed to the SourceValue constructor.

When retrieving attributes from the proxy class (e.g. IntProxy), it will look up the proxy base class first (e.g. SourceValue) and later the wrapped class (e.g. int). This is the reason we care about what class we're wrapping: we want to be able to wrap the class too, not just the instance.

In case we're looking up members from the instance, at first we will look it up from the instance of the proxy class, and then from the wrapped class.

If you don't care about class values, you can also omit the wrapped class:

GenericProxy = class_proxy.wrap_with(SourceValue)

generic = GenericProxy(SomeGenericClass(1, 2), Source('example', 10, 0))

In this case, we wrap the object.

There is also a convenience wrapper for the wrap_with function, in case you don't need to define it for multiple wrapped classes:

import class_proxy

class IntProxy(object):
    def clamp(self, minval, maxval):
        if self < minval:
            result = minval

        elif self > maxval:
            result = maxval

            result = class_proxy.instance(self)

        return IntProxy(result)

value = IntProxy(50).clamp(-10, 10)
print(value)  # will print: 10

This also has a generic variant:

import class_proxy

class Proxy(object):
    def map(self, func):
        return func(class_proxy.instance(self))

value = Proxy(100)
print( val: -val))  # will print: -100


class_proxy was heavily inspired by zyga/padme, an excellent tool for creating proxy classes. However, padme has a few problems:

  • It generates a lot of logs, which can not only be annoying, but create odd infinite recursions when trying to format the wrapped value for a log string.
  • The proxied special methods are written out manually, which seems like an unneccessary thing.

So with these limitations I felt the need to write a similar tool that addresses the issues above.


class_proxy is a transparent proxy for Python







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