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A mask to input[mask] fields;

PS: The Readme document is not up to date.

Using Mask Form you can:

  • Using default mask rules;
  • Create your own masks;


Using like a library
$ git clone
<script src="path/to/mask-form/index.js"></script>
Using like a module
$ npm install mask-form --save


Using like a module
var maskForm = require('mask-form');


Basic Usage
	<form action="" id="form" novalidate>
		<input type="text">
		<!-- Mask only fields with mask attribute -->
		<input type="text" mask="mask">
		<input type="cpf" mask>
		<input type="text" data-type="cpf" mask="mask">
		<input type="text" data-type="zipcode" mask="mask">
		<input type="text" data-type="date" data-format="00/00/0000" mask="mask">
		<input type="submit" value="send">
		var form = document.getElementById('form');
Create your own mask, with type or data-type
	<form action="" id="form" novalidate>
		<input type="text" data-type="myownmask" mask="mask">
		<input type="myowntype" mask="mask">
		<input type="submit" value="send">
		var form = document.getElementById('form')
		,	obj  = {
			'myownmask': 'AAA/AA-000-0',
			'myowntype': '000.000-A-B-C'
		maskForm._maskForm(form, obj);
Mask a input using attribute data-type

In this method, the input don't lose your properties.

Default Options to data-type

cpf			## Mask like a Brazil document
cnpj		## Mask like a Brazil company document
cpfcnpj		## Mask like a Brazil document OR company document
phone		## Mask like a Brazilian phone number
zipcode		## Mask like a Brazilian zipcode address
currency	## Mask like a monetary value. By default, using R$ and currency format (R$ 1.000,00), but you can pass a monetary symbol with attribute data-monetary, and another options (see more above)
date		## Mask like a date. Default is 0000/00/00, but you can pass another model.

The data-type[currency], has 3 another attributes you can use:

data-monetary			## You can pass a monetary symbol to your mask, by default: R$
data-monetary-imperial	## You can tell whether the value will be written with imperial mode. Ex.: US$ 1,000,000.00
data-monetary-revert	## You can tell whether the value have the monetary symbol in the end. Ex.: 25 ¢

The input[date] (or data-type[date], if you wish), has 1 another attribute you can use:

data-format	## Pass the format of your date, by default use international date format (0000/00/00).


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