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Lightweight jQuery plugin to the EU cookie laws



  1. Install via either bower, npm or downloaded files:

    1. via bower: bower install --save jquery.cookiefy
    2. via npm: npm install --save jquery.cookiefy
    3. via CDN (jsDelivr)
    4. via downloaded files
  2. Include jquery.cookiefy in your HTML.

    1. When using bower
    <script src="bower_components/jquery.cookiefy/dist/jquery.cookiefy.min.js"></script>
    1. When using npm
    <script src="node_modules/jquery.cookiefy/dist/jquery.cookiefy.min.js"></script>
    1. When using CDN
    <script src="//"></script>
    1. When using downloaded files
    <script src="YOUR_PATH/jquery.cookiefy.min.js"></script>



Optional Parameters

Define your own text and styles for the eu-cookie warning.

Name Default Sample Description
displayedHtml warning text* You can insert your own cookie warning
text, e.g.with a link to your cookie policy site
closeButtonUrl close-btn.png Change the close button. Valid parameters:
relative/absolute image url or base64 string
backgroundColor #bebebe tomato Changes the background-color of the
color #000 #fff Sets the color.
fontFamily Helvetica Sets the font-family
fontSize 1.25em Sets the font-size.
borderTop 1px solid #000 2px dotted green Sets the border-top value
borderTop 1px solid #000 2px dotted green Sets the border-top value
zIndex 50 130 Set the z-index value of the cookie warning container
devMode false true On true no cookie will be set and the warning
shows up every time you open the page

*We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue, you agree with <strong>our cookie policy</strong>.


    backgroundColor: 'dimgray',
    color: 'ghostwhite',
    fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
    fontSize: '1rem',
    borderTop: '1px solid #000',
    closeButtonUrl: ''

Customize via CSS

You can style this three css ids:

  • #cookiefy_bar (complete cookie message div)
  • #cookiefy_cookie-text
  • #cookiefy_close (close button)
