Library for operations with VCD and other digital wave files
Project description
python library for operations with VCD and other digital wave files
Feature list
- parse VCD (std 2009) files to intermediate format
- write VCD files, user specified formatters for user types, predefined formatters for vectors, bits and enum values
- dump intermediate format as simple json
Hello pyDigitalWaveTools
Here is a simple example how to use the VCD parser:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import sys
from pyDigitalWaveTools.vcd.parser import VcdParser
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
fname = sys.argv[1]
print('Give me a vcd file to parse')
with open(fname) as vcd_file:
vcd = VcdParser()
data = vcd.scope.toJson()
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
Output json format
{ "name": "<scope name>"
"children" : {"<children name>" : child}
child can be scope or signal record
signal record
{ "name": "<signal name>"
"type": {"sigType": "<vcd signal type>",
"width": <bit width of signal (integer)>},
"data": [<data records>],
data record format
[<time (number)>, <value (string, format dependent on datatype)>]
Related open source
- verilog-vcd-parser - Python, A parser for Value Change Dump (VCD) files as specified in the IEEE System Verilog 1800-2012 standard.
- pyvcd - Python, vcd writer, GTKWave config writer
- vcdvcd - Python, vcd parser, dump pretty printer