Microsoft Translator API wrapper
Project description
Install with pip:
$ pip install mstranslator
1. Subscribe to the Translator API
To access Translator API you need a Microsoft Azure account. Note that subscriptions, up to 2 million characters a month, are free. Translating more than 2 million characters per month requires a payment.
2. Add Translator subscription to your Azure account
Select the + New -> Intelligence + analytics -> Cognitive Services APIs.
Select the API Type option.
Select either Text Translation or Speech Translation.Select the pricing tier that fits your needs.
Fill out the rest of the form, and press the Create button. You are now subscribed to Microsoft Translator.
Now retrieve your subscription key for authentication. You can find it in All Resources -> Keys option.
That’s all. Now you have a Subscription Key and can use Microsoft Translator API.
Example Usage:
>>> from mstranslator import Translator
>>> translator = Translator('<Subscription Key>')
>>> print(translator.translate('Привет, мир!', lang_from='ru', lang_to='en'))
Hello World!
To run tests you need to set TEST_MSTRANSLATOR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY environment variable and install tox package. After that run shell command:
$ tox
0.3.2 (2016-12-08)
Supported moving Translator APIs to the Azure portal. See
0.2.6 (2016-10-02)
Translator API errors are now wrapped with python exceptions
Add translate_array2 method (by @kanghj)
0.2.5 (2013-07-23)
Fixed README formating
0.2.4 (2013-07-18)
Added translate_array and detect_langs methods (by @wjt)
0.2.3 (2013-05-08)
Added get_translations method
0.2.2 (2013-05-05)
Added break_sentences method
Added add_translation method
0.2.1 (2013-05-04)
Added get_lang_names method