Fancy library for music recommendations, based on datamining algorithms
Project description
libmunin is a fancy music recommendations library which is based on datamining algorithms of all kind. Bonus: It’s able to learn from you! I write it for my bachelor thesis and therefore it’s still in developement.
Documentation is build on every commit
Tests are run on every commit via
Screenshot of the Demo GUI
The Demo GUI is based on moosecat. Source code is available in the naglfar branch, under moosecat/naglfar/
Required externam programs
The moodbar binary is required for gthe mood-analysis. Future versions might implement the mood-analysis themselves, or at least package it along libmunin.
Your distribution might package it or you can compile it from here:
The moodbar is not strictly required but recommended.
Required Python Modules
All modules are Python3 compatible:
$ sudo pip install -r pip_requirements.txt --use-mirrors
Optional modules and modules useful for Data-Retrieval
$ sudo pip install -r pip_optional_requirements.txt --use-mirrors